To urge the thing held as a ceremony? I'll die for't, but some woman had the ring. Bass. No, by mine honor, madam, by my soul, No woman had it, but a civil doctor, Of my dear friend. What should I say, sweet lady? I was beset with shame and courtesy; My honor would not let ingratitude So much besmear it. Pardon me, good lady; For, by these blessed candles of the night, Had you been there, I think, you would have begged The ring of me to give the worthy doctor. Por. Let not that doctor e'er come near my house: Since he hath got the jewel that I loved, I'll not deny him any thing I have, Now, by mine honor, which is yet my own, Ner. And I his clerk; therefore be well advised, Gra. Well, do you so; let not me take him then; For if I do, I'll mar the young clerk's pen. Ant. I am the unhappy subject of these quarrels. Por. Sir, grieve not you; you are welcome notwith standing. Bass. Portia, forgive me this enforced wrong; And, in the hearing of these many friends Wherein I see myself, Por. Mark you but that! In both my eyes he doubly sees himself: And there's an oath of credit. Bass Nay, but hear me. Pardon this fault, and by my soul I swear, Ant. I once did lend my body for his wealth; Which, but for him that had your husband's ring, [TO PORTIA. Had quite miscarried. I dare be bound again, Por. Then you shall be his surety. Give him this; And bid him keep it better than the other. Ant. Here, lord Bassanio; swear to keep this ring. Bass. By heaven, it is the same I gave the doctor! Por. I had it of him. Pardon me, Bassanio, For by this ring the doctor lay with me. Ner. And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano; Gra. Why, this is like the mending of highways You shall not know by what strange accident I chanced on this letter. Bass. Were you the doctor, and I knew you not? Gra. Were you the clerk, that is to make me cuckold? Ner. Ay; but the clerk that never means to do it; Unless he live until he be a man. Bass. Sweet doctor, you shall be my bedfellow; When I am absent, then lie with my wife. Ant. Sweet lady, you have given me life, and living; For here I read for certain, that my ships Are safely come to road. Por. How now, Lorenzo? There do I give to you, and Jessica, From the rich Jew, a special deed of gift, Lor. Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way Por. It is almost morning, Gra. Let it be so. The first inter'gatory [Exeunt. VOL. I.-37 |