the Queen a list of witnesses, 177. Speech on the Queen's petition for a specification of the criminal acts char- ged against her, 181. Urges the pro- priety of permitting the Queen's coun- sel to proceed with her defence in the manner they desire, 203. Expresses his delight at the issue of the proceed- ings against her Majesty, 236 Exchequer, the Chancellor of the, oppo- ses Mr Hume's motion for a return of the civil expenditure, I. 43. Reply to Mr Hume on the revenues of Gibral- tar, 44. Moves the question of the ci- vil list, Opens the Budget, 65. Plans for the year's expenditure, ib. Mode of providing the charges of the loan, 69. Reply to Lord Milton, 96.
Finances, 59 Navy estimates, ib. Army estimates, 62.Ordnance esti- mates, 64. Budget, 65. Sinking fund, 67. Consolidated fund, 70. Scots Ba- ron of Exchequer, ib.
Finlay, Mr Kirkman, presents a petition
from Glasgow to the House of Com- mons on the subject of commerce, I. 95 Fires, a dreadful one at Oxford, II. 289. Strand, London, 292. Chatham, 318. Hereford College, 396. Drury-Lane, 360. Assembly rooms, Bath, 379 ́1 Fletcher or Franklin, particulars respect- ing, II. 357 and 364
France, meeting of the Legislative Cham- bers, I. 238. State of affairs and par ties, ib. Debates respecting the elec- tion of Gregoire, 239. Motion of the minister of finance, 241. Petitions against altering the law of elections. 242. Report of the committee, ib. Tu- mult in the Chamber of Deputies, ib. Debates in the Chamber of Peers, 243. Assassination of the Duke of Berri, îb. Law for restraining individual liberty, 246. Law on the press, 249. Debates on the law of elections, 254. Violent disturbances, 259. Modification of the law of elections passed, 262. More disturbances, ib. Finances, 263. Ri- sing of the Chambers, 264. Military conspiracy, ib. Birth of a son to the Duchess of Berri, 265.
Galway, perpetration of a most malig- nant outrage at Clonfert, in the county of, on an officer's party of the 49th regiment, by a body of armed pes- santry, II. 348
Gas lights, prices of shares in, II. 438. George III. public emotion at the death of, I. 3. General view of his age, ib.
Its changes unequalled in greatness, I. 4. Famous for giving a represen "tative legislature to Britain, constitu ting the admiration and wonder of the world, ib.-For the decline of aristo cratic influence, ib.-For the promi nence of virtue and crime in Europe, I. 5-For important changes in the new world, ib.-For the subjection of the most splendid empires of Asia ta company of merchants, 6-For the internal enjoyment of tranquillity in Britain, ib.-For improvement in science, and the production of manu factures, 7-For extent of foreign trade, ib.-For the advancement of agriculture, 8-For literary and intel- lectual exertions, ib.-For the general diffusion of knowledge, ib.-For Bri- tish elevation in the system of Europe, 9. Public character of, 10. Private ditto, 12. Description of his person and manners, 15. Notice of his state, II. 288. Particulars of his death, 295. Previous notices of the state of his health, 302. Funeral, 305
George IV. the accession of, I. 16. In- timates the dissolution of Parliament, 23. Speech at the dissolution of, 36. Opens the new Parliament by a specch from the throne, 38. Message to the legislature, respecting the Queen, 119. Further particulars respecting his accession to the throue, II. 997. Subscribes the oath relating to the se curity of the church of Scotland, 299. Proclaimed in London, 300. Procla- mation by, touching his coronation, 337. Proclamation adjourning the so- lemnity of, 348
Germany, organization of the Diet, I. 308. Its powers, ib. Commercial congress, 309. Act of Union, 310. Gillespie, the Rev. William, placed under
Glasgow, rebellion stalks with open front at, I. 20. Destined theatre on which hostilities were to tizans withdraw frommence, 21. Ar- the Union Socie- ties in, II. 288. Apprehension of a 1304 large party of radicals, 316. Distur- **bances, ib. Proclamation by the ma- gistrates, 324, Reward offered for discovering the authors or printers of the revolutionary address placarded on all the public places of, ib. 60,000 persons struck work, ib. Appearances of quiet returning to, 333. Alarming affray between the 13th regiment of foot and the police and inhabitants, 343.
arrest for praying for the Queen, II. Hardie and Baird found guilty of high treason, II. 223 Condemned, 224. Execution of, 354 to norther Harrowby, Earl of, speech in favour of the report of the secret committee re- specting the Queen, L. 168. Disap- proves of the divorce clause in the Bill of Pains and Penalties, 232 Heckmondwike, barbarous outrage at, II. 315. Hereford College, fire at, II 336 Hi Hesse Darmstadt, state of affairs in, I. 311. Grand Duke's scheme of the new constitution, ib. Resistance by the people, ib. Grand Duke yields to all the points in question, 312. Har- monious proceedings of the Chambers, ib. Session closes under the most fa- vourable auspices, 313. Finances, ib. Hobhouse's, Mr, speech, eagerly decla- ring his support of reform as reform, I. 101.
Gooch, Mr, seconds Mr H. Sumner's
motion on agricultural distress, I. 80 Grangemoor, the insurgents at, throw down their arms and fly, I. 20. Granville, Lord, seconds the address to the King on the opening of the new Parliament, I. 39.
Greenock, disturbances at, II. 327 Grey's, Earl, motion for open investiga-
tion in the matter of the Queen, I. 158. Speech on the report of the se- Icret committee, 167, Reply to Lord Harrowby, 168. Speech on the Queen's second petition, 169, Puts some ques- tions to Lord Liverpool, 171. Propo- sal for giving the Queen a copy of the charges, and a list of the witnesses against her, 176. Speech on the Bill of Pains and Penalties, 190. On the course to be pursued in defence of the Queen, 208. In defence of the Queen, 223. Repels, with indignation, an imputation of the Earl of Lauderdale, 233. Vehement invective against the conduct of ministers towards her Ma- jesty, 236
Grosvenor, Earl, Speech on the opening of Parliament, I. 40 Guards, the third, temporary feeling of insubordination in the first battalion of, II. 342
Holland's, Lord, speech on the opening of Parliament, I. 40. On the motion for the secret committee relating to the Queen, 122. Strongly censures the conduct of ministers, 168. Speech shewing precedents for granting a full statement of the charges and list of witnesses to the accused party and also to the house, 176. Supports the mo- tion for granting a list of witnesses to ...the Queen, 180. Speech, on the mo- tion for granting a specification of the criminal acts charged against, and the places where committed, by the Queen,
Hume, Mr, introduces the subject of the Queen into the House of Commons, I. 28. Motion for a return of the ex- penditure, 43. Motion respecting the revenues of Gibraltar, 44. Speech on the army estimates, 62 d Hunt and nine others, trial of, for their concern in the proceedings at Man- chester, II. 131. Guilty, 150. Moves for a new trial, 151. Is denied, 153. Imprisoned, 154. PIT (G WE A Huskisson, Mr, speech on the civil list, I. 56
Illuminations for the Queen at London, II. 361. Partial one at Edinburgh,
Improvements and establishments, II. 462. Regent's canal opened for busi- ness, ib. Description of, ib. New improvements east of Carlton-House, 463. Foundation-stone of a literary institution laid at Bristol, ib. Com- munication connecting the Gloucester and Berkley canal with the Thames, and Severn and Stroudwater canals opened, ib. Fitzwilliam Museum at Cambridge, ib. New observatory at Cambridge proposed, ib. First stone of a free national school laid at Pan- cras, ib. Iron bridge opened over the river Chalmer, ib. Isle of Wight in- stitution completed, 463. Proposed institution at Lancaster for the reform of discharged criminals, ib. New market to be erected at Liverpool, 464. Cumberland and Westmoreland joined by a new cast-iron bridge, ib. Two new churches about to be erected at Wakefield, ib. Foundation-stone of the jail of Jedburgh, and bridewell for the county of Roxburgh laid, ib. Increasing splendour of the Edinburgh College Museum, ib.
Ings, James, Brunt, Thomas, Tidd, Ro-
bert, and Davidson, William, trial of, for high treason. Sentenced to die, 131. Sentence executed, ib. Ireland, two curious anecdotes concern- ing the distressed state of, II. 341. Italy. State of Naples, I, 293. Discon- tent organized among the secret socie- ties, 294. Account of the Carbonari, ib. Insurrection at Naples, 296. Ra- pidly spreads, ib. King forced to ac- cept the Spanish Constitution, 297. Troubles in Sicily, 298. General Pepe's expedition, ib. Convention at Palermo, ib. Neapolitans tyrannize over the Si- cilians, 299. Meeting of Parliament, 300. King's speech, 301. Finances, ib. Measures with regard to Sicily, ib. Views and measures of Austria, 302. Of Russia, ib. Congress at Troppau, 304. Invitation of the Holy Alliance to the King of Naples, 305. Prepara tions for war, ib. King sets out for Laybach, 307
Lansdowne's, the Marquis of, speech on the proposed dissolution of Parliament, I. 25. On the opening of the new Par- liament, 40. On the existing commer- cial restrictions, 41. Motion relative to commerce, 86. Opposes the motion for a secret committee on the papers re- lative to the Queen, 121. Speech in favour of granting the Queen a list of witnesses, 179
Lauderdale, Earl of, speech condemning -the House of Commons in their mode
of passing the votes of money, on the accession of George IV. for transacting public business, I. 31. Motion on pre- cedents, 177. Propositions respecting the Queen's defence, 202. Objects to the clause for divorcing the Queen, 231. Imputation on Earl Grey, 233 Leopold, Prince, visits the Queen, II.
Lewis, Mr, his speech on the state of dagriculture, I83 ga boqret List of addresses to the Queen, IL 356, and 360
List of new publications, II. 465. Births, 499. Marriages, 504. Deaths, 510 Literary Fund, celebration of the anni- oversary of, II. 336
Institutions, prices of shares in,
Intelligence, II. 451. Plan of the Royal Society of Literature, ib. Institutions in Wales for the promo- -1tion of ancient literature, poetry, and music, 452. Prose essays in English, 453. Number of the members of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, 1 453. Number of Schools on the Sys- tem of Bell and Lancaster, 453. A col- lection of single poems and ballads, pub- lished at about a half-penny or one penny each, sold at the immense price of eight hundred and thirty-seven pounds sterling, 453. Plan for deter- mining the weights and measure of all trading countries, 453. Schools in France, 451. Theatres in France, ib. Les Annales des Lagides, recommended as one of the most important works that have appeared on ancient history, 455. Notice respecting the work entitled, Jus Criminale Hungaricum, ib. No- tices of the Universities of Leipsic and Jena, ib. Publication at Vienna of a work entitled Calliope, ib. Geographi- cal Society at Vienna, ib. Manuscript of Homer's Iliad, ib. Discovery of the lost books, De Republica of Cicero, 456. Publication of the Chronicle of Euse- bius, ib. Discoveries of manuscripts or fragments of Cicero's works, ib. School on the plan of mutual instruction at Palermo, 457. Formidable number of journals published in Spain since the revolution, ib. Flourishing state of the universities in Sweden, 458. Num- ber of works in the Royal Library of Copenhagen, ib. Literature of Greece, ib. Dictionary of the Greek language publishing at Constantinople, 460. Li- terature in Russia, ib. Improvements in letters and arts in Egypt, 461. In- scription on Pompey's Pillar complete- ly deciphered, ib. Mr Morrison's suc- !cess in the printing of his Chinese Dic tionary, ib. Literary and thriving state of New South Wales, ib.
Liverpool, Lord, speech respecting the dissolution of Parliament, I. 24. Re-
ply to Lord Lauderdale, S1. Opposes the bill against the convicted boroughs, 35. Reply to the Marquis of Lans- downe on the existing commercial re- strictions,, 42. Speech on the subject of British commerce, 90. Speech sta- ting his reasons for recommending the consideration of the papers in the Green Bag to a committee, 122. Mo- tion for the nomination of, 136. Re- ply to Earl Grey, 160. Defends the conduct of ministers, 168. Opposition to the Queen's petition, 161. Intro- duces the Bill of Pains and Penalties, 169. Reply to Earl Grey, 172. Mo- tion for fixing the time for the second reading of the bill against the Queen, 176. Refuses to grant a list of witnesses, ib.
Reply to Lord Holland, 177. Speech in opposition to the motion for granting to the Queen a list of wit- nesses, 180. Denies the propriety of granting the Queen's demand, 182. Speech relative to the Queen's defence, 204. Speech in favour of the Bill of Pains and Penalties, 227. On the sub- ject of divorce, 232. Moves the throw- ing out the bill, 235
London, the Bishop of, defends the di- vorce clause in the Bill of Pains and Penalties, I. 231
Navy estimates, 1.59 Netherlands, state of the finances, T. 313. Budget, ib. Close of the Session, ib. Reassemble at Brussels, ib. Discus- sions on the Budget, ib. Stagnation of Flemish manufactures, 314. Exhibi- tion of the products of national indus- try, ib. II MIC Nesbett, trial of, for the murder of Mr Parker and his housekeeper, II. 254. Guilty, 259. Sentenced to death, ib. Execution of, 349. Declaration pre- vious to his trial, 351**
New publications, list of, II. 465- Nottingham election, contest at, II. 322
Parker, Mr, and Brown, Sarah, the hor- rible murder of, II. 319 Parliament, meeting of, at the death of Geo. IV., I. 23. King's message, ib. Votes of money proposed in the House of Commons, 27. Debates on. ib. Passed, 30. Serious discussion in the House of Lords on, ib, Lord Lander dale's motion, 31. Motion against Grampound, &c. 32. Debates, on, ib. Passed, 34. Bill against Grampound, &c., opposed in the House of Lords, ib. Disposed of by adjournment, 35. Dis solution of Parliament by commission, ib. Meeting of the new. Re-election of a Speaker in the House of Commons, 37. Formal opening, 38. King's Speech, ib. Address voted in the House of Lords, 40. In the House of Com- mons, 41. Civil list, 43. Mr Hume's motion, ib. Negatived, 44. Motion res specting the revenues of Gibraltar, ib. Voted, ib. Motion on the Admiralty droits, 45. Discussion on, ib. Nera tived, 52. Question of the civil list brought fully under the consideration of the House, 52, Debate on, ib. Agreed to, 57, Navy estimates, 59. Motion for inquiry into the military expenditure, ib. Committee of supply, 62. Army estimates, ib. Ordnance estimates, 64. Budget, with ways and means, 65. Debates on, 69. Motion respecting the Court of Exchequer, Scotland, 70. Debates on, 73. Nega- tived by only a majority of 12, 77, Mo- tion relative to agricultural distress, 19. Debates on, ib. Carried, $5. Metien for limitation on, ib. Carried, 86.' Mo- tion in the House of Lords for a com- mittee of inquiry into the commerce of Great Britain, 86. Agreed to, 93. Dis- cussion on, in the House of Commons, ib. Motion for repealing the tax on fo- reign wool, 96. Negatived, ib. Mo- tion for the disfranchisement of Gram-. pound, ib. Debates, ib. Delayed, 102. Alien Bill, ib. Debates on, 103. Car- ried, 105. Leave given to bring in a bill respecting the national education of the poor, ib. Motion relative to the Welsh judicature, 110. Lord Castle- reagh's amendment, 112. Amendment carried, ib. King's message respecting the Queen, 119. Green Bag laid on the
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