Imatges de pàgina

the place where you now are, before you went home? I went directly home.

The Interpreter.-The word used (directement) is equivocal; it may mean that she did not go out of the direct way home.

Did you not stop in some other place? -I went directly home.

The Interpreter.-There is the same ambiguity still.

Witness.-I went directly home without waiting.

I want to know, not whether you went straight home without going to another place, but whether, before you went home, you stayed any where?

The LORD-CHANCELLOR.-Before you began to go home?—I remained a moment in a room above.

You say you remained a moment-how long?--I don't recollect exactly.

Do you mean to represent it was not above a moment?-No answer.

Will you swear it was not half an hour? -I do not swear it; I may have remained half an hour.

An hour?-I cannot swear the time. What did you mean by saying a moment? did you mean only a short time? -I meant it was not a long time.

Will you give us some notion of the time? Will you swear you did not remain there two hours?-I cannot swear the time, because I do not recollect the time.

In that letter, what place do you mean by the capital of Europe?-I can't recal to mind what I meant, because I was accustomed to write in a double sense, and it is so long since I wrote that letter that I can't recollect.

Having heard that letter read in French and in English, don't you know what you meant by the capital of Europe?-It is impossible for me at such a distance of time to recollect what I meant by all the words. By the capital of Europe I meant Lausanne or Colombier.

Were you in the habit of calling Colombier the capital of Europe?-I was often in the habit of calling it a capital in writing to my sister or friends; not that I considered that the capital of Europe, but because I was in the habit of writing in a double sense.

You mention in this letter a sister besides Mariette ?-Yes.

I hardly need ask if you are much attached to that sister -I was always much attached to her.

And that sister you wished to go into the service of her Royal Highness?-I wished to place her in the service of the Princess, because she wished to travel, and had often spoken to me to place her


Re-examined.-You told us yesterday that you were dismissed from the service of her Royal Highness for saying something that was not true: state the circumstances of your dismissal?—I was dismissed from the service of the Princess because she had been told that Mr Sacchi had been told that the Princess was in love with him, and that I had told him so. This proceeded from a letter which I wrote to Mr Sacchi, and which was taken up at the post; and because I said in the end of it that the Princess loved (aimoit) Mr Sacchi. I did not mean love, but that the Princess liked him as well as others of the house-in the same manner as other persons of the house. After this letter I was dismissed, because the Princess thought I meant love, but it was not literally love that I intended.

Did you on any occasion state that the Princess was in love with Sacchi ?-No. Then was the charge made against you true or false?-It was not true.

You said Bergami was present when the Princess produced your letter that had been taken from the post, tell us what Bergami said about it during that interview?-Respecting the letter, he said it was true that I had said the Princess was in love with M. Sacchi. I proposed to the Princess to write to M. Sacchi to have the truth, and M. Bergami opposed it. M. Bergami accused me of having passed the night with M. Sacchi. I said my sister was present, and might declare that I had slept with her.

I wish that passage of the letter to be turned to, in which the witness speaks of the bitterness with which the Princess's enemies pursued her, and of her being surrounded by spies. What did you mean by writing that passage?-It is so long since, that I cannot recollect.

Was the statement in that passage true, or not?-I knew that thousands of people had informed themselves in Switzerland about the affairs of the Princess.

Do you mean now to say that she was surrounded by spies and informers?-The Princess told me so, often.

But this letter was written from Colombier ?-I know nothing myself, I said only what had been told me by the Prin


Am I to understand that the circumstance stated was true, or otherwise?-I had received such a letter, but what I wrote concerning it was a double entendre for my sister.

Do mean to you say that you added what was false to what was true ?-I added something.

Was that something false ?-It was not added for the purpose of falsehood, but that my sister might understand me, because I was afraid to write freely.

Marquis of BUCKINGHAM.-Had you any reason to believe that the Princess was surrounded by informers or spies?I never saw any body near her whom I thought to be a spy.

Did, in point of fact, any person write to you promising you a brilliant fortune if you would come to England ?—I received a letter in Switzerland promising me a place if I would come.

But did it promise you a brilliant fortune in a short time?-No; that was not in the letter. I intended it only as an allusion for my sister.

Then it is not true that any such offer was made to you?-None such exactly.

By the Earl of DERBY.-Did you write in this mysterious manner to your sister in consequence of any clue which you had given her, or of any understanding that subsisted between you?-Yes, there was an understanding.

Marquis of LANSDOWN.-Having stated that you agreed with your sister upon a particular mark to facilitate and conceal your correspondence, can you point out any such mark in the letter which has been read?(The letter was handed to the witness.)

Lord REDESDALE said that it might be necessary to refer the witness to the evidence she had already given regarding the mark.

The witness here begged leave to retire, and was absent for about ten minutes. On her returning her testimony regarding the private mark in her letters was read over to her. The Marquis of LANSDOWN put the following questions upon it.

Did you ever receive a letter from your sister, containing the mark on which you had agreed for your future correspondence?

I only received one letter from my sister, and I do not recollect whether there was any such mark upon it: the letter I mentioned before, which had been taken up at the post.

If you had not received from your sister the mark agreed upon, why did you conceive that your sister would be enabled to comprehend the double meaning contained in the letter shewn to you without that or any mark agreed upon between you?-We had not agreed upon that mark as far as I can recollect, for this reason-my sister told me when she wrote to me she would put a mark at the foot of her letter.

That is not an answer to my question. -I believed my sister would understand me, but I do not recollect for what reason I believed so. It is so long since this occurred that it is impossible I can recollect.

Lord Viscount FALMOUTH.-I wish to know whether you were sincere in your praises of the Princess at the time you wrote that letter with the double entendre: whether you mean that the whole letter was a double entendre, or only passages in it? There were only some passages of the letter, because when I wrote it I was extremely attached to her Royal Highness, and I was willing to speak of the extreme kindness with which she treated


LUIGI GALDINI, [A mason, was sent for to the Villa d'Este, to make a cornice.]

When you went to Villa d'Este, did you inquire for Gaugiari?—I did. Did you go any where to look for him? Yes.

Did you go up stairs?—Yes.

When you went up stairs, were you in a large room?-I went into a room, but it was not a great room.

How long did you wait there for him? or did you find him there ?-I opened

door-I saw a great many doors-I was rather out of humour, because I had lost a great deal of money by having so many men unemployed-and I opened a door and shut it again.

When you opened a door, whom did you see? I saw the Baron and the Princess, who were both seated.

Whom do you mean by the Baron? Bergami.

How were the Princess and the Baron sitting? They were sitting together, and the Baron had bis arm across her neck.

How was the Princess dressed as to her bosom?-It was uncovered from here (drawing his hand across his breast.) Can you describe in what position the Princess was?-She was sitting.

Was there any person in the room besides the Princess and the Baron?-I saw no other person.

When you opened the door, what did the Baron do?-He took away his arm, and said, “What do you want here, you dog?"

What did you say to the Baron ?-I told him, you must excuse me, Signor Baron, for I am here to look for Gaugiari.

Did the Baron make any reply to you? -He told me that that room was not to be entered; that it was not a place for masons to work in.

The LORD-CHANCELLOR.-Ask him how far he did see her Royal Highness's breast uncovered?-I did not stay to look; I saw it, and made my escape; I saw it in the twinkling of an eye.-(A laugh.)

The Duke of HAMILTON.-How was the Princess dressed at the time?—I cannot say; I saw what I saw, and was surprised at.

I wish to know whether Bergami's hand was round her Royal Highness's neck, or behind her neck?-I am the Princess, and you (the interpreter) are the Baron (much laughter). The witness here passed his hand round the interpreter's neck.

Does the witness say that Bergami had his hand round the Princess's neck?-I have repeated it many times; I have even shewn it.

A Peer complained of the great impropriety and indecency of the witness's conduct in making such motions, and then

laughing, as on this occasion; and said it ought not to pass unnoticed.

The Earl of LIVERPOOL said, that whatever impressions might have been made on the minds of Noble Lords, the conduct did not seem to require further notice.

The LORD CHANCELLOR said, he did not think this sort of thing excusable. Cross-examined.-[Saw Colonel Browne and Vilmarcati at Milan, and agreed to take ten liri a-day for his expences.]


[An ornamental painter, was employed by Bergami for two years in the Villa d'Este, and afterwards at Rome. Saw, on several occasions, him and the Princess embrace and kiss each other.]


Was employed as a mason at the Villa d'Este, and the Barona. Saw Bergami and the Princess often walking arm in arm, and sailing together. He once saw them across two rooms, the doors of which were open.]

What were they doing when you saw them? They were caressing each other with their hands.

Was the Princess sitting or standing? -She was standing.

Was Bergami sitting or standing?— Both were standing.

In what way were they caressing each other?-They caressed each other with their hands. (The witness illustrated his answer by stroking down the cheeks of the interpreter in a whimsical manner.)


[An inhabitant of Como, saw Bergami and the Princess bathing in a canal leading to the Brescia. The Princess was dressed in white, with loose trowsers.]


[A white-washer near Como, saw the two parties in a carriage called a pado-vanella, she sitting on his knees, with his arm under hers.]

Cross-examined.-Did you ever say at Milan that you knew nothing about this business, but that you should like a trip to London ?-I was examined at Milan.

By Earl GREY.-Is not a pado-vanella

[blocks in formation]

Do you know whether the bed-room of her Royal Highness was changed about the same time?-Yes; it was changed about two days after the door in Bergami's room was re-opened."

Did this door open a communication to the new bed-room of her Royal Highness?-It did; there was a room between them, which led from one to the other.


Was superintendant of the stables at the Villa d'Este. Saw the Princess repeatedly sitting on Bergami's knee in the padovanella. On the road from Pesaro to Caprini, he went near the carriage to inquire the road, when he saw the two parties in a highly improper posture. He was ashamed, and turned away."

Do you remember the little Victorine at Villa d'Este?—I do:

How, or by what name, did she call the Princess?-Mamma mia.

Does the witness recollect any conver

Did you see them do any thing?—I have seen them going to walk a thousand times. Did the Princess keep a bird then?-sation between her Royal Highness and Yes, a nightingale.

Did you ever carry food to the nightingale?-Yes, I did.

Do you recollect seeing the Princess and Bergami together on that occasion? -Yes.

What did you observe them to be doing? They were kissing each other.

Did you hear the Princess say any thing to Bergami ?-She said, "Do not remain so long out, mon cœur.'


Did you know which was Bergami's room at Caprini ?—Yes.

Did you ever see him at the window, or hear him call for his servant?-Yes, very often.

At such times did you ever see the Princess also?-Yes, in Bergami's room.

FRANCISCO GASSINO, [A mason, employed at the Villa d'Este. Do you recollect when the Princess of Wales returned from the voyage to Greece?-Yes.

Was any alteration then made about Bergami's bed-room?-Yes, I was employed to make one.

What alteration was it?-I opened a door in it, one which had been before walled up, which I had stopped myself.

the little Victorine at Ville d'Este ?-Her Royal Highness caressed her always like her own child, and called her mu chere fille.

Were you ever at Bologna?-I have (been).

Did you ever see the wife of Bergami there?I have; but it was at a time when the Princess was not there.

Did you ever see her when the Princess was there?-She was there once whilst her Majesty was arriving; and they all escaped; they all went away.

Cross-examined.-When were you dismissed from the service of the Princess? -Towards the end of December, 1817. Ask him, was he not dismissed for stealing the corn?-No.

Was not that the charge on which he was dismissed?—No.

Then what were you dismissed for?Because I gave leave to two of her (the Princess's) men, to go to an inn or tavern; and, on their return, the Baron and Bernardo, his cousin, and some others, went to stop these men; and when they came to complain to me of it, I said that I never knew that masters should turn " shirri," thief-takers-impeachers.

(The House appeared to be dissatisfied with this interpretation. The interpreter explained, that " sbirri," implied a very low kind of constable in Italy.)

Why were you turned away, I ask?The day after, Luigi came to me with the money which was due to me for my two or three months salary, and he told me, that "as I was an honest man, I ought not to be among the shirri any longer" (Much laughter); and therefore I took my salary and went away.

And you went?--Yes.

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Was he never charged, when in the service of the Princess of Wales, with stealing the horse-provender?-Never.

I don't mean charged before a magistrate; but was he not charged by some one in the family, or in the service of the Princess?-No, never.

You swear to that, as well as to all the rest of your evidence ?—I do.

You never said, then, I should think, to any body, that you had been dismissed upon a charge of stealing corn ?-I have not, because I never told a lie.

So; does he mean to say that he never told a lie, or that he never told one without being well paid for it ?—(Order, order.)

Did not the witness become one of the most active agents of the Milan commission?

The SOLICITOR-GENERAL objected that this was a question which could not be put, because it was not known that there were any agents of the commission of that description which the learned gentleman assumed. He had no right, therefore, to say, "the most active agents."

Mr DENMAN. (To the interpreter.) -"Oh, never mind, don't put the question. Did he not become a very active agent there?"

(An objection was here taken to the mode in which the interpreter put this question; he observed, that he had not said, "most active," as was imputed to him; but, "one of the most active.")

Ans.-I was not an active agent. They gave me orders only as a courier, which is my profession; and as a courier I have done.

Then you have been employed as a courier by that commission?-Yes, sometimes; whenever they had need of me.

Has the witness had any other means of getting his bread since he has left the Princess of Wales's service?—Yes; for I am, besides being a pensioner of my government, by trade a coachmaker.

Who recommended witness to the commission? does he know ?-Nobody recommended me; but, when I spoke to the advocate, he told me that I was only to tell the truth, and then I should do. What are you to have for coming?They have promised me nothing.

What do you expect to have?—Nothing; they have promised me nothing; I have nothing to expect.

Do you mean us to infer that you expect nothing?—Yes.

Who are the persons whom you came over with?-Some I know, some I do not know; those I know, I know because we came together; but I never saw them before.

I beg to know who they are whom you do know?-There were various; I knew them by sight, at first; but I know them not; I have no acquaintance, I mean, no intimacy, with them.

I only ask their names?-Some I know, and can say; others I don't know.

I don't want him (witness) to tell me any thing that he does not know. I want the names of those whom he does know? -There were Reganti, Miardi, Carlo Gione, Enrico Ragazzoni, Enrico Baji, and the wife of Majocci.

Ask the witness whether he never sought Draconi; he knows the man I mean?I have been sometimes looking after him and seeking for him, for we are friendsbut not on this business; so he has come sometimes and looked after me.

Then he never offered Draconi any money to come forward as a witness?-I have not.

Did witness never say to any one that he would give him money for his testimony?-I have not.

Does he know Colonel Vassali ?—I know Vassali-the Count Vassali-but not the Colonel.

Did you see him some short time after you left the Princess's service?—I did.

Did you have any conversation with him respecting the cause of your dismissal?-I had.

Did you not tell him any thing about

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