Imatges de pàgina

Percy-street, appeared to join in the
general joy; and the upper and lower
ends of Tottenham-court-road evinced
their loyalty with quite as much splen-
dour as any of the streets which we
have before mentioned. In Fitzroy
square, no lights were exhibited, nor
were many to be seen in Charlotte-
street, which branches off from it.
Rathbone-Place was well illuminated,
and in one of the houses we observed
the initials of the Queen's name, C. R.,
displayed in variegated lamps amid
festoons of laurel, in the interstices of
which several placards of "Non mi
ricordo" were placed. The appear-
ance of Oxford street was very bril-
liant, and the crowds that were walk-
ing up and down it, with an air of
busy joy in their countenances, ren-
dered it an interesting spectacle. Soho
square was generally lighted up; but
there was scarcely a candle either in
Greek or Frith-street. The lower
end of Wardour-street was in the same
condition; and no great blaze or light
struck upon
the eye until the specta-
tor came to the head of Piccadilly.
From Coventry-street up towards
Hyde-park-corner, Piccadilly present-
ed an imposing view, which was ren-
dered more striking by the darkness
in which Prince's-street and Whit-
combe-street were shrouded. St Mar-
tin's-lane was only partially illumina-
ted; but in New-street, King-street,
Great Russel-street, and Covent-gar-
den, not a ray of light, except what
was afforded by the glimmering of
the gas-lights, was to be discovered.
Brydges-street afforded a different
spectacle, as did also the Strand, in
which the generality of the house-
holders seemed to vie with each other
as to who should display his attach-
ment to her Majesty in the most bril-
liant manner. However, there were
some in that neighbourhood who did
not sympathize in the delight felt by

their fellow-citizens. The multitude,
in revenge, broke their windows. The
consequence of this was, that the mi-
litary were sent for; but, although
the Riot Act was read, we have not
heard that any material injury has
been done, excepting the breaking of a
few panes. The crowd ultimately dis-
persed, and all was perfectly tranquil
at 12 o'clock. The military, however,
continued in small numbers about Cha-

The illuminations were continued
during several successive nights.

EDINBURGH-On the morning of the 19th several placards were found posted up in this city, inviting to an illumination in the evening. These were instantly torn down by the police, and in the forenoon, the magistrates issued a proclamation forbidding such a display; and promising protection to the inhabitants against any attempts to compel them to it. Notwithstanding this, however, a partial illumination commenced about six o'clock, in most parts of the Old Town, and in some inferior streets of the New Town, which, as the evening advanced, became more general. About nine o'clock, riotous bands of young men and boys assembled, and paraded the chief streets of the New Town, demolishing, without opposition, the windows which were not illuminated. At an early hour the corners of the bridges were taken possession of by a disorderly multitude, and whenever a person of respectable appearance passed, the cry got up, "Off hats for the Queen," and such as had the temerity to refuse compliance were immediately assailed with showers of mud and filth, not unfrequently accompanied by blows. In the afternoon, the magistrates had assembled a strong civil and military force at various points; consisting of the Edinburgh volunteer infantry and cavalry, a part of the 7th dragoon


guards, and the high constables, and police of the city; but this force was not called into action till near eleven o'clock, when they soon cleared the streets; but before this period, damage had been done to windows and other private property amounting to above L.2000. For their not fulfilling the promise of protection held out to the inhabitants, while such a powerful force was at their disposal, the magistrates have been by some persons severely censured; while others approve of their forbearance, and consider that by it the greater danger was avoided by not bringing the military in contact with the mob, until the feelings of the latter had been allowed to vent itself in the work of destruction. Leith was, on the same evening, partially illuminated, and many of those who did not choose to do so, were visited in a similar manner. A few windows were again lighted up in Edinburgh next night, but all was quiet.

"Lower Brook Street, Nov. 17. "Mr Keppel Craven has received her Majesty's commands to inform the Lord-Mayor that it is her Majesty's wish to attend divine service at St Paul's, on Sunday, Nov. 26.

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Right Hon. the Lord-Mayor." To this the Lord-Mayor returned an answer, intimating that her Majesty's notification should be attended to.

"Lower Brook Street, Nov. 17. "Mr Keppel Craven has the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the Lord Mayor's letter, in answer to the communication he made to the LordMayor, by the command of her Majesty the Queen. Mr Keppel Craven will not fail to lay the Lord-Mayor's note before her Majesty, and to forward to the Lord-Mayor any further information he may receive on the subject.

"Right Hon. the Lord-Mayor."

"Lower Brook Street, Nov. 17. "In addition to the communication

I had the honour to make to you this morning, I have now, by her Majesty's commands, to inform you, that her Majesty having understood that it is customary to perform divine service three times a-week in St Paul's Cathedral, her Majesty selects Wednesday, the 29th inst., in preference to Sunday, the 26th-feeling that perhaps the concourse of people who might be drawn together would not be quite suited to the solemnity of the Sabbath-day.


"Right Hon. the Lord-Mayor." "The inhabitants of the wards within the city, and the parishes round London, having manifested an anxious desire to present their addresses of congratulation to her Majesty, in large bodies, instead of small deputations, her Majesty, desirous of gratifying their wishes, and disregarding all personal fatigue, will receive their addresses in any way most convenient to them. In order to facilitate any arrangement for receiving such numerous bodies, as the days are now so short, her Majesty will not receive so many addresses in one day. Her Majesty will receive addresses on Monday, the 4th of December, and on every succeeding Monday till further notice. Any persons wishing for any information previous to their presentations, will please apply at 15, St James's square.

"R. KEPPEL CRAVEN, Vice Chamberlain to the Queen.

"Brandenburgh house, Nov. 27."

27th. Mr Fletcher, or Franklin, accused of fabricating and circulating inflammatory placards, (as stated at page 357 of this volume,) has escaped, notwithstanding the vigilant pursuit of Mr Pearson the solicitor, along with one of the Bow-street officers. A reward of L.100 was offered by the Queen's Plate Committee, and another of L.200 by Government, for his ap. prehension, but without effect. A let

ter has been received from Franklin, by one of the Bow-street magistrates, dated Dunkirk, 19th instant, avowing his guilt, but ridiculing all attempts to apprehend him. On the 17th a warrant was granted at Bow-street against Mr Dennis O'Bryen, charged, on the oath of a bill-sticker, with being concerned with Franklin in the manufacture of those atrocious placards. Mr O'Bryen attended voluntarily at the police office, but on a subsequent day the warrant was discharged, the bill sticker having declared that he was mistaken in the person.

27th. Mr Jeffrey was installed Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow. The ceremony excited an unusual degree of interest; and in a few minutes after the doors were thrown open, the hall was crowded to excess. At three o'clock Mr Jeffrey entered, and was received with the loudest shouts of applause, and with every demonstration of respect and attachment. Mr Jeffrey was accompanied by Mr Campbell of Blythswood, M. P. Dean of Faculty, the Principal and Professors of the University, Mr K. Finlay, (late Rector,) and by Messrs Thomson, Cockburn, and J. A. Murray, advocates, Professor Pillans, and several other gentlemen, who had gone with Mr Jeffrey from Edinburgh. After the installation Mr Jeffrey addressed the audience in the following speech, which called forth reiterated shouts of applause :

"It will easily be understood that this is to me a moment of great pride and gratification. But I feel that it is also a moment of no little emotion and disturbance; and on an occasion where Burke is reported to have faltered, and Adam Smith to have remained silent, it may probably be thought that I should have best consulted both my fame and my comfort, if I had followed the latter example. It is impossible, however, not to feel, that in

the case of that eminent person, and of many others, who have since conducted themselves in the same manner, the honour they conferred on the University nearly compensated that which they had received from it; and they might not, therefore, feel any very strong call to express their sense of an obligation which was almost repaid by its acceptance. On the present occasion no one can feel more intimately

no one, indeed, so intimately as I do, that the obligation is all on one side, and that the whole of the honour is that which is done to me. I cannot help feeling, therefore, as if I should be chargeable with ingratitude if I were to leave to be inferred from my silence those sentiments to which I am abundantly aware I shall do little justice by my words.

"In endeavouring, however, to express the sense I have of the very great and unexpected distinction that has been conferred on me, I must be permitted to say, that it has in it every thing that could render any honour or distinction precious in my eyes. It is accompanied, I thank God, with no emolument-it is attended, I am happy to understand, with not many or very difficult duties-it is chiefly of a literary and intellectual characterand it has been bestowed, without any stir or solicitation of mine, by something that approaches very nearly to a popular suffrage.

"These considerations would certainly be sufficient to render any similar distinction in any other seminary of learning peculiarly grateful and flattering. But I must say, that what chiefly exalts and endears this appointment to me is, that it has been bestowed by the University of Glasgow. It was here that, now more than thirty years ago, I received the earliest, and by far the most valuable part, of my academical education, and first imbibed that relish and veneration for letters

which has cheered and directed the whole course of my after life; and to which, amidst all the distractions of rather too busy an existence, I have never failed to recur with fresh and unabated enjoyment. Nor is it merely by those distant and pleasing recollections by the touching retrospect of those scenes of guiltless ambition and youthful delight, when every thing around and before me was bright with novelty and hope, that this place and all the images it recalls are at this moment endeared to my heart. Though I have been able, I fear, to do but little to honour this early nurse of my studies since I was first separated from her bosom, I will yet presume to say, that I have been, during all that interval, an affectionate and not an inattentive son. For the whole of that riod I have watched over her progress, and gloried in her fame; and at your Literary Olympics, where your prizes are distributed, and the mature swarm annually cast off to ply its busy task in the wider circuit of the world, I have generally been found a fond and eager spectator of that youthful prowess in which I had ceased to be a sharer, and a delighted chronicler of that excellence which never ceased to be sup. plied. And thus, the tie which originally bound me to the place was never allowed to be broken; and when called to the high office which I this day assume, I felt that I could not be considered as a stranger, even by the youngest portion of the society over which I was to preside.


"It has not been unusual, I believe, on occasions like the present, to say something of the fame of the University, and of the illustrious men who have from time to time contributed to extend it. I shall not now, however, enter upon such a theme. But on finding myself, after so long an interval, once more restored to this society, and reassumed as one of its members, it is

impossible for me not to cast back one glance of melancholy remembrance and veneration to the distinguished individuals by whom it was then adorned, and from whom my first impressions of intellectual excellence were derived. Among these it is now a matter of pride and gratification, that I can still recollect the celebrated Dr Reid, then verging indeed to his decline, but still in full possession of his powerful understanding; and, though retired from the regular business of teaching, still superintending with interest the labours of his ingenious successor, and hallowing, with the sanctity of his venerable age, and the primitive simplicity of his character, the scene over which his genius has thrown so imperishable a lustre.

"Another potent spirit was then, though, alas! for too short a time, in the height and vigour of his strong and undaunted understanding-I mean the late Mr Millar, whom it has always appeared to me to be peculiarly the duty of those who had the happiness of knowing him, to remember and commemorate on all fit occasions, be cause, unlike the great philosopher to whom I have just alluded, no adequate memorial of his extraordinary talents is to be found in those works by which his name must be chiefly known to posterity. In them there is indeed embodied a part, though, perhaps, not the best or most striking part, of his singular sagacity, extensive learning, and liberal and penetrating judgment; but they reveal nothing of that magi. cal vivacity, which made his conversa. tion and his lectures still more full of delight than of instruction ;-of that frankness and fearlessness, which led him to engage, without preparation, in every fair contention, and neither to dread nor disdain the powers of any opponent; and still less, perhaps, of that remarkable and unique talent, by which he was enabled to clothe, in

concise and familiar expressions, the most profound and original views of the most complicated questions; and thus to render the knowledge which he communicated so manageable and unostentatious, as to turn out his pupils from the sequestered retreats of a college, in a condition immediately to apply their acquisitions to the business and affairs of the world.

"In indulging in these recollections, I am afraid I am but imperfectly intelligible to the younger part of my hearers, to whom the eminent individuals I have mentioned can be known only as historical or traditionary persons. But there is one other departed light of the same remote period, in referring to whom, I believe, I may reckon upon the sympathy of every one who now hears me, and over whose recent and sudden extinction all will be equally ready to lament. It is melancholy and monitory, I trust, to us all,-to reflect, that, in the short space which has elapsed since my election to this office, this seminary has been deprived of one of the oldest and most distinguished of the teachers by whom it has ever been adorned; and it is no small detraction from the pleasure which I promised myself in appearing here to day, that I cannot be welcomed by the indulgent smile of that amiable and eminent individual. I had the happiness of receiving a very kind message from him, dictated, I believe, the very day before his death, and when I was far, indeed, from suspecting that it was to be the last act of our intercourse on earth. I need not say that I have been alluding to the late excellent Mr Young, a man whose whole heart was to the last in the arduous and honourable task to which his days were devoted, and who added to the great

stores of learning the quick sagacity and discriminating taste by which he was so much distinguished, an unextinguishable ardour and genuine enthusiasm for the studies in which he was engaged, that made the acquisition of knowledge, and the communication of it, equally a delight; and who, with habits and attainments that seemed only compatible with the character of a recluse scholar, combined, not merely the most social and friendly dispositions, but such a prompt, lively, and generous admiration of every species of excellence, as made his whole life one scene of enjoyment, and gave to the moral lessons which it daily held out to his friends and disciples, a value not inferior to that of his more formal instructions.

"I have permitted myself to say thus much of the dead. Of the living, however unwillingly, I believe I must now forbear to say anything. Yet I cannot resist congratulating myself, and all this assembly, that I still see beside me one* surviving instructor of my early youth, the most reveredthe most justly valued of all my instructors;-the individual of whom I must be allowed to say here, what I have never omitted to say in every other place, that it is to him, and his most judicious instructions, that I owe my taste for letters, and any little literary distinction I may since have been enabled to attain. It is no small part of the gratification of this day, to find him here, proceeding with unabated vigour and ardour in the eminently useful career to which his life has been dedicated. And I hope and trust, that he will yet communicate to many generations of pupils those inestimable benefits to which many may easily do greater honour, but for which

Professor Jardine.

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