been clearly ascertained that the symptoms of disorder in the first battalion are unconnected with any political feeling whatever. We have authority to state, that the men of the right wing of the regiment, remaining this day in town, have expressed themselves much concerned for what has occurred, and are anxious to come forward to plead for pardon of those who have misconducted themselves." THE CITY ADDRESS TO THE QUEEN. tion of the public tranquillity, we feel ourselves called upon to express our earnest hope that the differences which unfortunately subsist may be arranged in a manner honourable to your Majesty, as well as to your Royal Consort, and satisfactory to the country; and that, should an investigation of these differences be still unhappily resorted to recognizing the dignified firmness which your Majesty has manifested, by the solemn protest you have entered against all secret investigations of your conduct, so re "To the Queen's Most Excellent Ma- pugnant to common justice, and to jesty. "The dutiful and loyal Address of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled. "May it please your Majesty, We, his Majesty's ever-dutiful and loyal subjects, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the city of London, in Common Council assembled, approach your Majesty with sin cere expressions of loyalty, attachment, and regard. "We condole with your Majesty on the various afflictions your Majesty has sustained, since your departure from this country, by the loss of so many illustrious personages of your Majesty's family, especically by the demise of our late beloved Sovereign, your Majesty's paternal guardian, whose countenance and support, under the most trying circumstances, gave the best pledge to the nation of your Majesty's innocence, and the firmest protection against all your enemies; and also that of your amiable and illustrious daughter, the Princess Charlotte, the fond hope of Britain, whose memory will be ever dear to an affectionate people. 66 Deeply attached to the royal family, and anxious for the preserva the feelings of Englishmen, we trust such investigation will be conducted in an open terminate in the complete vindication and impartial manner, and of your Majesty's honour. "We rely upon your Majesty's gracious acceptance of this Address, as a proof of the loyalty and affection of your faithful citizens of London, and of their attachment to the illus trious house of Brunswick, who, they trust, will long continue to sway the British sceptre, and maintain the liberties and happiness of the people." "Glasgow, June 28. "Last night an alarming affray commenced in the Saltmarket, between a party of the 13th regiment of foot on the one hand, and the police and inhabitants on the other, which, for the time it lasted, had the most dreadful appearance, more 80, perhaps, than was ever witnessed on the streets of this city. It began between seven and eight o'clock, and is said to have thus originated :-About a dozen of the soldiers walking up the Saltmarket were hooted and howled at by a number of blackguard young fel lows, when the soldiers, in their de fence, drew their bayonets. The po lice, in the meantime, arrived; but such was the terrific appearance of the soldiers, that no one dared to approach them. One of them, however, having separated from his companions, was made prisoner, and after a severe struggle carried to the police-office. The rest of the party had by this time reached the Cross, and had complete possession of the Trongate to the end of the Exchange, the inhabitants flying by the back of the Tontine, and through every opening where they could find access. The crowd soon considerably augmented, and stones were flying at the soldiers from all quarters, and some of the more daring rushed in upon them, and attempted to wrest the bayonets from their hands; in one or two cases this succeeded, but the soldiers keeping so well together, those who attempted it in general paid for their temerity, as they were often knocked down and severely struck with the sides of the bayonets. A sort of running skirmish continued for about half an hour; the police, in large bodies, repeatedly rushed in upon them, though with little effect. The soldiers were at length overpowered, and 16 of them carried to the Police-office, when peace was restored. A strong party of the Rifle brigade was soon after marched up, and are doing duty at the Policeoffice. It was pleasant to observe that the crowd did not attempt to molest, in the least, any soldier who did not take part in this disturbance; many of the Hussars, Rife-brigade, even some of the 13th regiment, and others, walked along the streets with the greatest freedom. Almost all the 16 soldiers sent to the Police-office were, more or less, hurt ; and two of them were carried to the military hospital. Some of the police-officers and patrol are also hurt. A civil and military inquiry is now going on.” JULY. "TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. "The humble Address of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery of the City of London, in Common Hall assembled : "May it please your Majesty,We, his Majesty's dutiful and loyal subjects, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery of the City of London, in Common Hall assembled, humbly approach your Majesty with our warmest congratulations upon your Majes. ty's safe return to this kingdom. "We sincerely condole with your Majesty upon the loss of so many illustrious personages of your Royal House, particularly that of your Majesty's guardian and protector, our late revered Sovereign, and your amiable and beloved daughter, the Princess Charlotte, upon whom the hopes of the nation had fondly rested. "We have beheld with grief the numerous insults and indignities which have been offered to your Majesty, both at home and abroad, and lament that any persons should be found with such unchristian feelings as to advise the omission of your Majesty's name in the solemn services of the Church. "As we have before congratulated your Majesty upon your complete triumph over a foul conspiracy against your life and honour, we have never ceased to feel the most anxious solicitude for every thing connected with your peace and happiness, and sincerely trust your Majesty will prove equally triumphant over the renewed attempts to vilify your character. "We have felt, in common with all his Majesty's subjects, the highest indignation at the insulting and degra ding proposals which were made to your Majesty previous to your arrival in this country. "We admire the prompt refusal of your Majesty to compromise your honour for a pecuniary consideration; nor can we forbear expressing equal admiration at the magnanimous and decisive conduct your Majesty has displayed, by your unhesitating confidence in the loyalty and honour of the British nation, as well as the courage you have evinced in boldly meeting your accusers, protesting against all secret investigations, and demanding an open and constitutional tribunal. "We felt disgust at the proposal made to your Majesty to become an exile from this land, which might afford your Majesty's enemies fresh opportunity for the calumnies which probably they never would have dared to attempt, if your Majesty had remained in England. "We sincerely hope that your Majesty will be established in full possession of all your just rights, and reside amongst a people zealously attached to the house of Brunswick, and who feel deeply interested in every thing connected with the honour of that house, and with the welfare and happiness of your Majesty." Her Majesty then returned the following answer: "It is with peculiar satisfaction, and with most cordial thanks, that I receive this loyal and affectionate Address from the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Livery of the city of London, whose manly support of my cause upon a former occasion has never ceased to live in my grateful remembrance. "No words can give utterance to the agonies of my heart, ocasioned by those losses on which you offer me your kind condolence, and which admit of no reparation on this side the grave; but, in the many and deep sorrows and afflictions with which it has pleased Providence to visit me, I have derived unspeakable consolation from the zealous and constant attachment of this warm-hearted, just, and generous people; to live at home with, and to cherish whom, will be the chief happiness of the remainder of my days. "The indignation which a long series of persecution, plots, and conspiracies, carried on against my peace, honour, and life, is so well calculated to excite, it shall be my endeavour to suppress; and while I steadily pursue the means necessary to the full possession of all my rights, privileges, and dignities, I would fain bury past injuries and insults in total oblivion. "Conscious of my innocence, disdaining the threats intended to awe me, knowing that it was to Britain I was coming, it required no extraordinary degree of courage to place me in the face of my accusers. To have acted upon this or upon any other occasion a pusillanimous part, would ill become a daughter of the house of Brunswick, and the Queen of a nation famed for its valour in all ages, and whose gallant sailors and soldiers have so recently been crowned with laurels in every part of the globe." The following is the Address of the Corporation of York, and her Majesty's answer :— TO HER MAJESTY CAROLINE, QUEEN OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. "Madam,-We, the Lord Mayor and inhabitants of the city of York and its vicinity, beg leave to approach your Majesty with our serious condolence on the deaths of your illustrious daughter and our late Sovereign, and with our congratulations and assurances of duty on your accession to the throne, and on your safe return to this kingdom. We view with sentiments of strong reprobation the conduct of ministers towards your Majesty. In their insults to you, they insult the Royal Family, at whose head, conjointly with the King, you are placed; the laws and institutions of the country, and the sacred principles of jus tice; whilst the noble firmness of your Majesty's demeanour, so worthy your exalted state, has attracted our warmest admiration; and your Majesty may be assured not only of the best wishes of a free and loyal people, but that, in opposition to their sense of right, no insidious machinations can prevail against you. "May the clouds which now obscure your Majesty's peace and happiness be quickly dispelled; and may you, in a long and prosperous life, forget the calamities of your earlier years, and, as Queen of this united kingdom, enjoy the blessings and honours of your illustrious rank. "As chairman of the meeting, and for and on behalf of the said inhabitants. GEORGE PEACOCK, Mayor. 66 Guildhall, York, June 26." TO THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR AND INHABITANTS OF THE CITY OF YORK. "I thank you for your loyal congratulations on my accession to the throne, and on my return to England, as well as for your expressions of condolence on the severe losses, which, in common with the whole nation, I have sustained in the death of my dear and illustrious relatives. Had it pleased providence to preserve their lives, I should not have now been exposed to the persecutions that await me, nor the country to the fatal consequences that must always follow a departure from the sacred principles of public justice. In the unequal contest against those secret advisers who are alike the enemies of my Royal Consort and myself, I rely with confidence on the sympathy and support of every generous bosom, and feel secure that the vindication of my honour will be again complete." "TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. "The dutiful address of the inhabitant householders of the city and liberty of Westminster, in public meeting legally assembled, this 4th day of July, 1820. "We, his Majesty's subjects, the inhabitant householders of the city and liberty of Westminster, beg leave to offer your Majesty our heartfelt con gratulations on your Majesty's safe return to your and our country. We have never ceased to feel regret for the unrelenting persecutions and indignities your Majesty experienced, while Prin cess of Wales, from some of the highest authorities in this country, especially at the time when your most amiable, dutiful, and affectionate daughter,whose loss must be long and equally deplored by your Majesty and by all the loyal people of this realm, stood most in need of the consolatory attentions of a revered parent. "We come before your Majesty with no servility, and will not offend your Majesty with unmeaning words of adulation, as unbecoming a Queen of England to hear as of Englishmen to utter but we come before your Majesty with a sincerity in which we will give place to none. "We assure your Majesty that in all our public proceedings we have constantly maintained the just prerogative of the crown, and the rights and liberties of the people. We have always supported the three estates which compose our free form of government, anxiously desirous that each should preserve its powers without encroaching on either of the others; and in this our undeviating course of pure loyalty we have been steadily opposed to the domination of an oligarchy, which, al though it is neither of those estates, endeavours to usurp the powers of the whole; to trample upon the rights of the people; to destroy all real responsibility of ministers; and has at length not only dared publicly to insult your Majesty, but to propose a measure, as truly as magnanimously declared by your Majesty to be unknown to the law of the land, and a flagrant violation of all the principles of justice.' "We heard with indignation, but without surprise, of intentions being entertained to condemn and to outlaw your Majesty, by a process which, if once adopted, might hereafter be used as a precedent for placing the life of every person in the realm, from the highest to the lowest, at the mercy of a few individuals; to the utter subversion of the just prerogatives of the crown, and the fundamental liberties of the people. "We are well assured that, in expressing our unfeigned detestation at the treatment your Majesty has received, as well as of the further proceedings professedly intended to be taken against your Majesty, we not only express the sentiments of the whole commons of these realms, but that in our most earnest wish, thus publicly expressed, that your Majesty may triumph over all your enemies, and long reside amongst us, the grace, the life, the ornament of society,' we shall be joined by our-fellow subjects from one extremity of the nation to the other." HER MAJESTY'S ANSWER TO THE WESTMINSTER ADDRESS. Yesterday, at one o'clock, the High Bailiff of Westminster, with Sir F. Burdett and Mr Hobhouse, waited on her Majesty with the Westminster Address, to which her Majesty returned the following most gracious answer: "This address from the inhabitant householders of the city and liber ty of Westminster will be long treasured in my memory, as an indubitable proof of their regard, and a lasting claim upon my gratitude. The language of affection for my person, of devotion to my interest, and of zeal in my cause, which appears to issue from their hearts, has made a deep impression upon my own. In the feeling manner in which they mention her for whom the invisible sigh of grief will never cease in my maternal breast, I cannot be insensible to the homage which they pay to her memory, and to the solace which they offer to my regrets. "It is now seven years since I received an address from the inhabitant householders of Westminster, in which they congratulated me upon my escape from what they truly described as a nefarious conspiracy against my honour and my life. Upon that occasion my character was exonerated from the load of calumny with which it had been oppressed, though my conduct had undergone only an ex-parte examination, and though I had no means of facing my accusers, or of being heard in my defence. "The people of England then, almost universally, expressed their approbation of what they considered as the triumph of rectitude and innocence over perfidy and injustice. From that hour to the present, I have been the victim of a similar conspiracy, which has been incited by the same motives, and prosecuted with the same views, though with increased violence, and with aggravated malignity. New and more appalling efforts have been made to destroy that character which had resisted so many former attempts; but I rejoice that I now find, as I at that time found, the people of Westminster uninfluenced by the powerful machinations of my enemies, and animated by the same sentiment which they then expressed, that every subject, until convicted of guilt, had an undoubted right |