Earl of Chatham; Henry Earl Bathurst, one of our principal Secretaries of State; Charles Chetwynd Earl Talbot, our Lieutenant-General and General Governor of that part of our united kingdom called Ireland; Robert Banks Earl of Liverpool, First Lord Commissioner of our Treasury; Richard Earl of Donoughmore; Thomas Earl of Chichester; Henry Earl of Mulgrave; William Earl Cathcart; John Earl of Sheffield; our right trusty and well-beloved counsellors Robert Stewart, Esq., commonly called Viscount Castlereagh, one of our principal Secretaries of State; Charles Cavendish Bentinck, commonly called Lord Charles Cavendish Bentinck, treasurer of our household; our right trusty and well-beloved cousins and counsellors Percy Clinton Sidney Viscount Strangford; Robert Saunders Viscount Melville, first Lord Commissioner of our Admiralty; Henry Viscount Sidmouth, one of our principal Secretaries of State; our right trusty and well-beloved counsellor Thomas Hamilton, Esq., commonly called Lord Binning; Robert Jocelyn, Esq., commonly called Viscount Jocelyn, vicechamberlain of our Household; John Thynne, Esq., commonly called Lord John Thynne; George Thomas Beresford, Esq., commonly called Lord George Beresford, comptroller of our household; the Right Reverend Father in God our trusty and well-beloved counsellor William Bishop of London; our right trusty and wellbeloved counsellors William Pitt, Lord Amherst Charles George Lord Arden; Alleyne Lord St Helen's; Frederick Morton Lord Henley; John Lord Redesdale; Thomas Lord Erskine; Charles Manners Sutton, Esq.; Sir Arthur Paget, Knight; William Wellesley Pole, Esq.; John Trevor, Esq.; Sir William Scott, Knight; George Canning, Esq.; William Dundas, Esq.; Charles Philip Yorke, Esq.; Sir William Grant, Knight; Thomas Wallace, Esq.; Charles Bathurst, Esq., Chancellor of our Duchy of Lancaster; Charles Long, Esq., pay. master-general of our forces; Sir John Borlase Warren, Baronet; Sir Evan Nepean, Baronet; Charles Arbuthnot, Esq.; John Hookham Frere, Esq.; Nicholas Vansittart, Esq., chancellor and under treasurer of our exchequer; Reginald Pole Carew, Esq.; John Sullivan, Esq.; Richard Ryder, Esq.; Sir John Nicholl, knight; Frederick John Robinson, Esq., treasurer of our navy; William Vesey Fitzgerald, Esq.; Robert Peel, Esq.; Sir Tho mas Plumer, Knight, Master of the Rolls; William Huskisson, Esq.; William Sturges Bourne, Esq.; Cha Bagot, Esq.; Sir Henry Russell, B3ronet; Sir Richard Richards, Knight, Lord Chief Baron of our Exchequer; John Beckett, Esq.; Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, Knight; Sir John Leach, Knight, Vice-Chancellor of England; Sir Charles Abbot, Knight, Lord Chief Justice of our Court of Common- Pleas; Sir Samuel Shepherd, Knight, Lord Chief-Baron of our Exchequer in Scotland; and David Boyle, Esq., Lord Justice-Clerk of Scotland, or any five or more of them, to receive, hear, and determine the petitions and claims which shall be to them exhibited by any of our loving subjects in this behalf; and we shall appoint our said Commissioners for that purpose to sit in the Paintedchamber of our palace, at Westminster, upon Thursday the 18th day of this instant May, at twelve of the clock at noon of the same day, and from time to time to adjourn as to them shall seem meet, for the execution of our said commission; which we do thus publish to the intent that all such persons whom it may any ways concern may know when and where to give their attendance for the exhibiting of their petitions and claims concerning the services beforementioned to be done and performed unto us at our said coronation; and we do hereby signify unto all and every our subjects whom it may concern, that our will and pleasure is, and we do hereby strictly charge all persons, of what rank or quality soever they be, who, either upon our let ters to them directed, or by reason of their offices or tenures or otherwise, are to do any service at the said day or time of our coronation, that they do duly give their attendance accordingly, in all respects furnished and appointed as to so great a solemnity appertaineth, and answerable to the dignities and places which every one of them respectively holdeth and enjoyeth, and of this they or any of them are not to fail, as they will answer the contrary at their perils, unless upon special reasons by Ourself, under our hand to be allowed, We shall dispense with any of their services or attend ances. Given at our Court at Carltonhouse, this sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twen ty, and in the first year of our reign.-GOD SAVE the King. "Geneva, May 17th. "The Queen arrived here on Tuesday last, coming by Mount Cenis to Chambery, and thence by Aix, and Rumilly to this place. Her Majesty is lodged at the Hotel l'Ecu de Geneve, where she intends to remain till the return of a courier sent to Mr Brougham on her arrival here. "Her Majesty is leading a most retired and regular life; she rises early, and is in bed generally before 11; her dinner-hour is at two, after which she takes an airing on the lake, and returns at five to tea. "Her Majesty was confined at Milan several days by indisposition, but is now in the best health and spirits; she has been induced to travel with less expedition than usual, following the advice of her physicians. "On Friday, as the Queen entered her carriage to take her accustomed ride, she was informed of the death of the Duchess of York; it so affected her that she was obliged to return to her chamber in evident distress. "From the authorities of the King of Sardinia her Majesty received the greatest attention. Though she expressed a desire to keep the strictest incognito, they insisted upon providing her Majesty with an escort of carabineers throughout the Sardinian dominions. "The Queen has dismissed her Italian court, and, with the exception of her maids and footmen, has merely with her M. de Bergami, her chamberlain, an equerry, and her private secretary, who is an English gentleman. Mr William Austin, whom her Majesty took under her protection while a child, is now a very fine young man, and accompanies her Majesty to England, where she intends to place him at college. "A great deal of jealousy has been excited in Italy, and stories have found their way to England, relative to the exaltation of M. de Bergami, by her Majesty, from the situation of courier to chamberlain, from apparently nothing to that of a Baron covered with orders. But it is said that these decorations he gained by his bravery with the French army in the campaign in Russia and elsewhere; and besides the high recommendation the Queen received with him, she says that she found his family was of respectability, and she has lost no occasion to reward him for six years of tried services. He leaves her Majesty next week, to join his sisters at Bologna. "On receipt of dispatches from England, the Queen will set out immediately for Ostend, taking the route by Lausanne to Carlsruhe, and so on to Brussels." 23d. MORLEY'S GAMBLING-HOUSE. -Some time ago, John Morley, the keeper of a gambling-house, at No. 3, Sweeting's rents, was convicted in the penalty of 2001. for having allowed the game of hazard to be played in his house. The gentleman who proceeded against the defender is a merchant of respectability, whose nephew has lost considerable sums of money in the house at the game above mentioned, and the defendant was not to be found for some time. Hurdefield, accompanied by Martin and Branscomb, entered the premises, and took an inventory on Tuesday last. They were not only refused the amount of the penalty, but were threatened with actions for trespass, &c. The officers, however, determined to follow the directions in the warrant, and remained on the premises five days, during which they did considerable mischief to the business of the house, where billiards are played by great numbers. Several young fellows, upon seeing the officers, who made no secret of the nature of their visit, left the house in a hurry. It was impossible for the officers to ascertain whether any other game was carried on in the house, for bolts and bars are numerous there, and the greatest caution has hitherto been observed as to the admission of persons to the hazard-table. During their stay in the house, however, the officers saw quite enough to convince the Lord Mayor of the necessity for marking the house. After some gasconade on the part of the defendant and his friends, he thought it most prudent to settle the matter, after having endeavoured to prevail upon the officers to take himself instead of the goods, and assured them that there was not a pennyworth of property in the house to which he had any claim. He paid down 1251., and gave his bond for the remainder of the penalty to the solicitors for the prosecution. It was stated that great numbers of young persons, in situations similar to that held by the unfortunate lad who robbed his master to play at Morley's, have been ruined by the house. Some have been already brought to justice at the Old Bailey; others have, in the madness caused by losses, destroyed themselves; and others have escaped to other countries by their own activity, or the influence of their friends. The penalty inflicted by the 12th of Geo. II. upon any persons found playing at hazard is 501. The officers have received particular directions to watch Morley's house. JUNE. 8th.On Thursday, during the whole of the day, persons were employed throughout the town posting up printed bills, announcing that a general illumination would take place at night, in honour of her Majesty's arrival in England. They were generally circulated, especially at the west end of the town; and in the evening, as soon as dusk, many houses were in active preparation for the ceremony, to prevent the worst of consequences, and at dark lighted up, and, for a short notice, they were pretty general. A great mob, who met, no doubt, for mischievous purposes, assembled at an early hour opposite Alderman Wood's house, and at dark they commenced a cry of " Light up!" and South Audley-street exhibited a very lively scene during the night; for, with very few exceptions, the whole were illuminated, some with lamps, and others with wax candles. The exceptions were singled out, and the mob" played havoc" with the panes of glass, which were all demolished. One house, nearly opposite to that in which the Queen resides, refused to light up, when they immediately pelted the windows, and hooted in a terrible manner, and its inmates were thrown into considerable alarm and confusion. Various mobs were in the execution of the same service at different parts of the town, which rendered it necessary for the interference of the civil and military powers. They pursued this kind of conduct at every house they found not illuminated. The mob remained in South Audleystreet until about 11 o'clock, at which time a strong body of Life-Guards made their appearance at the end of the street with their arms. Their appearance caused a tumultuous execration from the populace, and they were assailed as they went along with various opprobrious epithets, mixed with cries of "The Queen for ever!" &c. The mob soon after dispersed, and the Life-Guards continued to parade the street for a length of time, when all was peaceable. Various detachments of the military were stationed in other parts of the town, and in Pall-mall, Piccadilly, and other places, and caused peace to be restored. The illumination was, however, general at the west end towards the close of the night, and especially in some of the squares. The houses of several noblemen were thickly lighted up, and many tradesmen to the Royal Family paid great observance on the occasion. At the east end of the town also they were illuminated, but not in so general a manner. Extract of a Letter from Dublin, dated June 12.-" We are here in a truly deplorable situation, in consequence of the failure of the Banks. Heretofore the Dublin Banks were considered impregnable, and, notwith standing all the ruin and dismay in the country, there was no run upon any of them. Things, however, are changed. Alexander's Bank closed this morning, or, more properly speaking, did not open; and we can now, unfortunately, form some judgment, from experience, of the confusion and alarm which have been witnessed in the most agitated part of the South. This failure, it is thought, will do more injury than all the others put together. If any confidence had remained, it will destroy it. No one has courage now to keep any private banker's note. The character of Latouche's Bank is well known. I had just now one of its notes, and went to get it changed. This was about an hour and a half after Alexander's failure was known, and I can pledge myself that I could scarcely get near the desk. Bank post-bills, that were not due, as well as other notes, were offered for payment, and paid off with alacrity. My note was a post-bill, that was not even accepted, yet I asked and received for it a national note. There were numbers of people in my situation, and all of their demands were satisfied like mine. From this you may judge of our condition. I suppose there will not, before the end of this week, be a private banker's note in circulation in any part of Ireland; and if three, out of all the Banks, are able to withstand the storm, it is as much as the most sanguine now calculate upon. The connexions of the Alexanders were chiefly in the north. In that quarter there has been as yet no crash; but you may well conceive what is now to be expected. The notes of the firm in circulation are said to amount to 500,0001. "Two curious anecdotes, illustrative of the distressed condition of Ireland at the present moment, are mentioned in conversation-1st, Lately, a five-pound private note was offered in Cork for a leg of lamb, and refused. 2d, In Limerick, a man worth 1500l. or 16001. a year had asked a party to dinner. As for credit, it was out of the question; and if he could not pay the butcher, the poulterer, and pastrycook in cash, he could hope for nothing to lay before his friends. He was not without money, as he had a 101. national note. But who could give change for so mighty a paper? His butcher could not; neither could his poulterer or pastry-cook. His only resource was to write to his friends, very ingenuously describing to them his situation, and begging that they would defer their visit until he could procure either credit or change of a 101. note!" 15th. The metropolis was thrown into some alarm by a temporary feeling of insubordination in the First Battalion of the Third Guards. It arose from circumstances unconnected with any considerations of a political nature. The grounds of complaint alleged were, that their removal into the new barracks in the King's Mews deprived them of many advantages they enjoyed while on billet; that their pay was insufficient; and their duty too hard, &c. It is hardly necessary to say, that all these circumstance together amounted to no real grievance. Discontent first shewed itself on this evening; and on the Duke of Gloucester, as colonel of the regiment, laying the state of things before the commander-in-chief, orders were directly issued to change the quarters of the battalion. The insubordination continued throughout the night. At four the next morning the first division, however, marched off for Portsmouth without a murmur; and the report received from them in the course of the day was satisfactory. Exaggeration was as usual at work; crowds of idle rabble collected the whole of Friday round the gates of the Mews; and some miscreants endeavoured, happily in vain, to inflame the passions of the military. In the evening the Horse Guards were called out to disperse the crowd, and quietness was restored. On Saturday at four the remainder of the battalion followed their companions, after ha ving been inspected by the Duke of Wellington. They expressed their contrition for what had passed. 16th. The following is the account issued, it is apprehended, by order of government: "Lest any alarming impression should be entertained upon the subject of the rumours of disorder in the 1st battalion of the 3d regiment of Foot Guards, it is due to the high charac ter for loyalty and discipline which has ever distinguished this corps, to prevent it from suffering in the public opinion by any exaggerated reports, arising from some circumstances of discontent which had prevailed among the privates for the last few days. The fact is, that the recent removal of the men from billets into barracks (in the King's Mews), and the hard duty consequent upon the call for troops within the last week, occasioned some discontent, and a hesitation in the prompt obedience to some orders yesterday. In consequence of this, it has been deemed expedient to change the quarters of the battalion; and the report received this afternoon, from the commanding officer of the left wing of the battalion, on its first day's march, is highly creditable in every respect to the discipline and good order of the men. Nor is the report of the feeling shewn by the remaining part of the battalion less satisfactory. It may be proper to add, that the 2d battalion of the same regiment is in the highest state of discipline; and that it has |