"We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, merchants and manufacturers in the city of Glasgow and neighbourhood, are resolved, by every means in our power, to assist in putting down the present desperate and unprecedented resistance to all lawful authority, by withdrawing our employment and support from every person who may have lent, or who shall in future lend, his aid to the purposes of the wicked and treasonable conspiracy detailed in An Address to the Inhabitants of Great Britain and Ireland,' lately published here. "We therefore hereby declare our fixed purpose and determination to be, not to employ, in future, any person who may have already joined, or who shall hereafter join, the promoters of this treasonable confederacy-who may have taken up arms, or lent aid and encouragement to it by his presence or countenance. "We highly disapprove of the conduct of those who have left their work, even when threatened by the menaces of the lawless and unprincipled men who conduct the present audacious proceedings; and we are resolved not again to employ any one who has so left off working, or who shall in future do so, without a previous minute inquiry into his conduct and character, and without being satisfied of his innocence, as relates to his intention, and of his being the victim of his own groundless fears, not the willing instrument of disaffection and disloyalty." 21st.-GLASGOW.-We are now enjoying the most perfect quiet in this part of the country, and a great number of those arrested on suspicion of being implicated in the late transactions have been liberated, either simply, or on a bail so trifling as to imply no heavy supposition of guilt. It will be found very difficult, we suspect, to bring home this business to any person of the slightest influence in society, and it was to this circumstance we have all along acknowledged that our safety was owing the want of leaders among the ranks of the disaffected. Four acres of ground have been feued by government from the Trades'-house, for building horse-barracks in this neighbourhood. The radicals at Paisley are still remaining quiet. We learn that a number of those most active in the late treasonable and rebellious proceeding have fled. The Sheriff-depute and Substitutes have been engaged in taking precognitions for the last fortnight, and radical apprehensions have taken place almost every night. The Edinburgh troop of MidLothian cavalry arrived on Sunday from their western campaign. On Thursday evening, at half past 8 o'clock, they were ordered to muster, and left Glasgow, with a field-piece and lighted match, by the Kilmarnock-road. Early in the morning they reached that town, and having surrounded it, the constables proceeded to do their duty in searching for suspected persons, of whom a considerable number were apprehended; but it was not till 9 o'clock on Friday morning that the troop dismounted, after being 12 hours on horseback. On Saturday they proceeded to Lanark, and on their way surrounded and searched Strathaven for arms and radicals, the whole of that country being tainted with the same principles. Yesterday they again marched for town; and it was with feelings of no small satisfaction that their townsmen hailed their arrival, after having accomplished so much severe duty. 22d.-YORKSHIRE.-Since the assembly on Grange-moor no further act of violence or riot has been committed in the districts which have been lately disturbed. The effects, however, of the recent risings, have by no means subsided, nor can they be expected to do so for some time to come. Nume rous arrests have been made during the last week, both at Barnsley and Huddersfield; and a considerable number of persons who were engaged in the late movements, have absconded from their homes. Of these deluded and unfortunate men, some are wandering about at no great distance from their places of abode, shunning the constables and military; and others have not been heard of since the night of the Grange-moor meeting. On Wednesday, four brothers, of the name of Hutchinson, were apprehended at Dodworth, near Barnsley, along with a man named Siddon, on a charge of having attended armed at Grange-moor. Another man was arrested by a party of yeomanry and soldiers, and evinced great fear on being taken; he is said to have made important disclosures. Thomas Ferriman, a person who has long been known as a violent radical, and whose mental sanity has been doubted, is one of the persons charged with attending at Grangemoor; this credulous, doting, old man has for the present made his escape, but it is expected that he will soon be traced and apprehended. He is represented to have given way to absolute phrensy on finding, when he arrived at the place where he expected to meet the insurgent army, that he was duped and betrayed. From the confessions of several of the persons who have been taken into custody, it appears certain that the men who marched from Barnsley had been amused with the most marvellous accounts of the force which was expected to join them from Huddersfield and Wakefield, as well as the Scotch army, whose success was spoken of as certain. On Thursday evening, three of the persons who had absconded from Barnsley, William Rice, John Birkinshaw, and John Ferriman (the son of Thomas Ferriman), were brought to that town in the custody of Mr Hopewood, the constable of Barns ley, who had followed them into Lancashire, and arrested them there. MAY. 1st. EXECUTION OF THISTLEWOOD AND HIS ACCOMPLICES.-During nearly the whole of the night the wretched men slept sound, and were only awakened by the unbarring of their cell-doors to admit the reverend ordinary. He found them in their separate cells, and went to each, urging every pious argument to reclaim them to the paths of Christianity. On Thistlewood, Tidd, Ings, and Brunt, however, his arguments were unavailing ; but on Davidson his endeavours were crowned with success, and in the most fervent manner this unfortunate man joined in prayer with Mr Cotton for mercy at the hands of his Redeemer. The cells in which these delinquents were confined, though separated by strong walls of stone, were not suffi ciently detached to prevent them from speaking to each other, and Ings, speaking, during the night, of the approaching awful exhibition they were to make, remarked to another of his companions, with savage disappointment," that there would be plenty of persons present; but d-n the they had no pluck." Our readers are aware that Davidson had hitherto preserved the same obdurate tenets as his associates in guilt; but, during Sunday, a manifest change took place in his manner, and he totally abandoned the wish to receive spiritual comfort from a Wesleyan minister, for whose assistance he had applied in the morning. This person's name is Rennett, who, it seems, had been a journeyman tailor, and had sometimes preached among the Wesleyans; and as Davidson had some slight knowledge of him, he expressed a wish for his company. As this man, however, was in a situation in life not well adapted to reveal the holy tenets of salvation to a dying man, it was thought more prudent that Davidson should, if he wished, have a regular clergyman of any persuasion he might think fit. On hearing this proposition again repeated to him, he immediately requested the spiritual consolation of the Rev. Mr Cot ton. That gentleman visited him immediately; and, as we have stated before, went to him in the night. At five o'clock yesterday morning Mr Cotton went again to the gaol, and proceeded to the condemned cells with the hallowed elements of the sacrament, which was administered to and received by Davidson with the utmost devotion. The reverend gentleman offered the same instrument to the other culprits, who, however, we regret to state, were immutable in their infidelity. The ordinary ascended the platform, and at a quarter before eight Thistlewood made his appearance on the scaffold. His step faltered a little as he mounted the platform, and his countenance was somewhat flushed and disordered on being conducted to the extremity of the drop. His deportment was firm, and he looked round at the multitude with perfect calmness. He had an orange in his hand. On the cap being placed on his head, he desired that it might not be put over his eyes. While the executioner was putting the rope round his neck, a person from the top of the houses exclaimed, "God Almighty bless you." Thistlewood nodded. The Rev. Mr Cotton, by whom he was preceded, endeavoured to obtain his attention; but he shook his head, and said, "No, no." He looked round repeatedly, as expecting to recognise some one in the crowd, and appeared rather disconcerted at observing the distance to which the populace were removed. Tidd was brought up second. He ran hastily up the ladder. An unusual flush overspread his face. He bowed to the populace, after looking round, and familiarly nodded to some one whom he recognised at a window with an air of cheerfulness. He also desired that the cap might not be put over his eyes, but said nothing more. He nodded at different people in the windows. He likewise had an orange in his hand, which he continued to suck till the cap was drawn over his face. He soon became perfectly calm, and remained so till the last moment of his life. Ings then came up; he was dressed in his butcher's jacket. On reaching the scaffold he gave three cheers, and conducted himself with great hardihood. He turned round several times to the multitude, and smiled at them, and then sung in a discordant voice"Oh, give me death or liberty!" The executioner having tied the cap over his eyes, he exclaimed, "Let me see as long as I can." He followed this by saying to the crowd, "Here we goes, my lads; here's the last remains of James Ings." His conduct, however, was evidently bravado. Thistlewood now said to Tidd, "We shall soon know the last grand secret." Davidson ascended the scaffold with a firm step, calm deportment, and undismayed countenance. He bowed to the crowd, but his conduct altogether was equally free from the appearance of terror and the affectation of indifference. When he first came up he seemed engaged in prayer, and was immediately joined by the Rev. Mr Cotton, whose attentions were altogether rejected by the others. While the executioner was tying up Thistlewood, he again spoke, and said, addressing a person near him, " I have but a few moments to live; I hope you will tell the world I died a sincere friend to liberty." Ings now addressed himself to a person in front of the scaffold, who was taking notes, and said, "I die an enemy to all tyrants. Recollect, put that down." Brunt was the last that came out. He passed hastily up the steps, assisted by one of the officers, and advanced with a laugh on his countenance. While the rope was being adjusted he looked towards St Sepulchre's church, and, perceiving some one with whom he had been acquainted, he nodded several times, and then made an inclination of the head towards the coffins, as if in derision of the awful display. His conduct was marked by the same irrational levity to the last. When his handkerchief was taken off, the stiffner fell off, and he kicked it away, saying, "I shan't want that any more. Ings, who still kept looking about with firmness, again spoke, and said, "I am not afraid to go before God or man. I know there is a God, and I hope he'll be merciful." He had a blue cap on his head when he came up, which was immediately removed by the executioner, and its place supplied by a white one. The executioner now proceeded to pull their caps over their eyes and adjust the ropes. When he came to Ings, the unhappy man said, "Now, old gentleman, finish me tidily. Tie the handkerchief tight over my eyes. Pull the rope tighter; it may slip." Davidson, who continued to pray with Mr Cotton, firmly pressed his hand. The executioner then left the scaffold, and in a few seconds, at six minutes after eight, the fatal signal was given, and the drop instantly fell. Their sufferings were brief. Thistle wood never moved a limb, nor did he turn, but hung exactly as he had previously stood. Ings was much con. vulsed for some seconds, but at the expiration of three minutes all suffering seemed to be at an end. HEREFORD.-About a quarter past ten last night, (Tuesday the 2d instant,) the inhabitants of this city were again alarmed by the cry of fire at our college, and in consequence a large number of persons hastened to render their assistance. The flames were discovered on the north side, in the ceiling of one of the upper rooms, which was on fire in two places, and there is little doubt but in a very short period, if the providential discovery had not taken place, the whole of that part of the building would have been in flames. The judicious exertions of those who first reached the spot effectually subdued the fire, which had made considerable progress, and nearly burned through a large beam, and some rafters, with great injury to the apartment. Like the former attempts, this is evidently the work of some horrible incendiary well acquainted with the premises. 4. LITERARY FUND.-Yesterday the anniversary of this excellent institution was celebrated by a dinner at the Freemasons' Tavern. The Earl of Blesington was in the chair, supported by the Earl of Pomfret, Lord Bolton, the Hon. Douglas Kinnaird, Sir W. Clayton, George Watson Taylor, Esq., Charles Monza, Esq., Ġ. Sinclair, Esq. M. P., the Rev. D. Bookar, the Rev. Dr Hinde, Richard Heber, Esq. the Rev. Charles Parr Burney, the Rev. Dr Jones Boswell, John Littledale, Esq. (the barrister,) and several other well-known persons. Afterthe usual loyal and patriotic toasts, the noble Chairman gave the health of the Duke of Somerset, the President of the Society; and afterwards, " Prosperity to the Literary Fund." He mentioned, in the latter case, that the society had existed for thirty years, and it had received first the countenance of his present Majesty as Prince of Wales, then as Regent, and now as King. He told the company that it had not only extended its aid to native literary characters, but to foreigners of merit, among whom he mentioned the translator of Milton into the Icelandic tongue. In the course of the evening Mr Fitzgerald addressed the company for the 24th time in the anniversaries of the society. He recited a poetical address, which was received with loud approbation. As a higher compliment, both to the meeting and to the poet of the fund, Mr Braham sung two pieces of verse composed by Mr Fitzgerald. BY THE KING.-A PROCLAMATION, Declaring his Majesty's pleasure touching his Royal Coronation, and the Solemnity thereof. GEORGE, R. Whereas we have resolved, by the favour and blessing of Almighty God, to celebrate the solemnity of our royal coronation, upon Tuesday the first day of August next, at our palace at Westminster: and forasmuch as by ancient customs and usages, as also in regard of divers tenures of sundry manors, lands, and other hereditaments, many of our loving subjects do claim and are bound to do and perform divers several services on the said day, and at the time of the coronation, as, in times precedent, their ancestors, and those from whom they claim, have done and performed at the coronation of our famous progenitors and predecessors: We, therefore, out of our princely care for the preservation of the lawful rights and inheritances of our loving subjects whom it may concern, have thought fit to give notice of and publish our resolutions therein; and VOL. XII. PART II. we do hereby give notice of, and publish the same accordingly: and we do hereby further signify, that by our commission under our great seal of Great Britain, we have appointed and authorized our most dear brothers and faithful counsellors Frederick Duke of York, William Henry Duke of Clarence, Augustus Frederick Duke of Sussex; our most dear cousin and faithful counsellor William Frederick Duke of Gloucester; our most dear cousin and faithful counsellor Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg; the most Reverend Father in God our right trusty and right entirely-beloved counsellor Charles Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England and Metropolitan; our right trusty and well-beloved counsellor John Lord Eldon, our Chancellor of Great Britain; our right trusty and right well-beloved cousins and counsellors Dudley Earl of Harrowby, president of our council; John Earl of Westmorland, keeper of our privy seal; our right trusty and right entirely-beloved cousins and counsellors John Duke of Atholl; James Duke of Montrose, master of our horse; Arthur Duke of Wellington, master-general of our ordnance; our right trusty and entirely - beloved George James Marquis of Cholmondeley, lord steward of our household; Francis Marquis of Hertford, lord chamberlain of our household; Charles Ingoldsby Marquis of Winchester, groom of our stole; James Marquis of Salisbury; Richard Marquis Wellesley; John Jeffreys Marquis Camden; our right trusty and right wellbeloved cousins and counsellors George Earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham; Frederick Earl of Carlisle; Cropley Earl of Shaftesbury; James Earl of Lauderdale; George Earl of Macclesfield, Captain of the Yeomen of our Guard; Charles Earl of Harrington; Philip Earl of Hardwicke ; John Y |