Imatges de pàgina

dura, and thereby obtaining entrance into Cadiz. The assault, however, given on the 16th, entirely failed, Riego himself being wounded. Notwithstanding, however, the most rigid precautions, an attempt was made in their favour in the interior of the city, On the evening of the 24th, a colonel of the name of Rotalde collected a mixed troop of soldiers, Catalonian sailors, and citizens, and led them, amid cries of "The constitution for ever!" towards the gate of the Cortadura. The soldiers on guard there, however, fired upon his detachment, which immediately dispersed. Several were taken; but the colonel himself escaped, and joined the army on the Isle of Leon.

Meantime General Freyre had established his head-quarters at Puerto Santa Maria, and had assembled a force which, including militia, was supposed to fall little short of 20,000 men. He made his approaches, indeed, with extreme caution, and avoiding any close contact, the effects of which, in the actual temper of his own troops, might have been extremely perilous. He merely sought to insulate the insurgents from the rest of Spain, and to cut off their resources and supplies. He succeeded; and weeks elapsed without any change in the position of the contending armies. The insurgent chiefs began to feel that their affairs in this stationary state were becoming insensibly worse. The enthusiasm inspired by their first successes was gradually evaporating; they lost that opinion of power which was necessary to draw multitudes to their standard; and though they might be able to maintain themselves, in a military view, against any force that was likely to be employed on the other side, the narrow corner within which they were inclosed afforded no means of obtaining provisions and necessaries, the want of which must at length reduce them to extremity. Unless, therefore, something could be done to rouse

the country in their favour, and to make a stir, they had little hope of final success. This could only be done by putting forth, at all hazards, a moveable column to traverse the neighbouring cities and districts. The lot here fell naturally upon Riego, always prompt to undertake whatever was hazardous and adventurous. On the 27th of January, having formed a small corps of 1500 men, he crossed to Chiclana, and proceeded in the direction of Algesiras. At Conil, where he spent the first night, his reception was discouraging; but at Vejer, or Bejer, which he reached next day, the bells were rung, and other symptoms of joy manifested on his arrival. Here he spent three days, somewhat idly, it should seem, in balls and civic fetes; he obtained a supply of money, not, however, adequate to the wants of the army. On the 31st, the troops left Bejer; and, after a very fatiguing march over the mountains of Ojer, reached Algesiras about seven in the evening. They were received with the warmest demonstrations of joy. Riego conceived the most sanguine hopes, having planned to make Algesiras a second bulwark of Spanish liberty, and expecting to draw from Gibraltar all the supplies of which he stood in need. The next day dispelled all these flattering ideas. The inhabitants, seeing no force which could afford promise of ultimate success, adopted a cautious and guarded system; while the governor of Gibraltar, determining to observe a strict neutrality, declined all communication with the insurgent force. Some supplies, particularly of shoes, were all the benefits, which the army drew from Algesiras.

While these operations were going on, General Freyre was not inactive. He carefully closed up all the passages by which this adventurous column could regain the Isla, and then dispatched Don Joseph O'Donnell in its

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pursuit. Quiroga, informed of these able him to make head against the removements, sent orders to Riego to peated assaults of a superior enemy. rejoin him immediately. Riego reluct There appeared uthus no prospect of antly obeyed, and, retracing his steps, safety but by quitting the city, and cut his way through a column of ca throwing themselves among the mounvalry that attempted to intercept him, tains of Ronda. From this moment On approaching the Isla, however, he their progress presented a series of adjudged the avenues to be so well guard- venture and privation, of which history ed, as to make vain any attempt to offers few examples. Destitute of reach it. Swayed probably, moreover, clothes, and particularly of shoes, they by his own bold and adventurous spi-procured some at Ronda and Anterit, he determined to march upon Ma- guera. At Grazalema they were relaga, and endeavour to excite a rising ceived by the inhabitants with a welin that city. come so cordial, as rekindled some degree of hope, and at Moron they were reinforced by 2001 dismounted dragoons. On the 4th, however, they were attacked there by O'Donnell; and, after a smart conflict, obliged to yield to superior forces. Closely pressed, driven from post to post, and his small band daily thinned by desertion, Riego saw no longer any safety but in seeking the heights of the Sierra Morena. These could be breached, however, only by the bridge of Cordova; and Riego formed the daring resolution of marching the remnant of his little band through that large city. This design was successfully executed.

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The column proceeded to Malaga by difficult roads, between the mountains and the sea, its rear being continually harassed by the cavalry under O'Donnell. At Marbella it had to sustain a very severe engagement, in which it lost 100 men, besides the dispersion of part of their number. It, however, shook off the pursuing column, and advanced upon Malaga. The governor had collected a few troops, and taken a position in front of the city; but, on the first fire, he retreated, and fell back upon Velez Malaga. The troops of Riego entered Malaga, which exhibited a singular and equivocal aspect, The city was illuminated, and acclamations were heard from the windows; but every door was shut, and no one chose to commit himself in a cause of which such unfavourable omens were already formed, About twelve next day, the columns of O'. Donnell were seen approaching. The attack was soon commenced, and an obstinate conflict took place in the streets of the city. The constitution alists succeeded in repulsing O'Donnell, who took up his quarters for the night about half a league from Malaga. Notwithstanding this success, Riego, in looking round him, could see no hope of maintaining himself in his present position. No movement whatever was made by the inhabitants; and his numbers were quite insufficient to en

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These imitators of the Sacred Bands of Thermopyla and Underwald passed through the streets, barefooted and badly clothed, chaunting the patriotic hymn. The few troops who were in the city remained neutral othe inha bitants, assembling in crowds, viewed with wonder and admiration, though without taking part in their favour. The party crossed the Guadalquiver, and hastened towards the mountains} but at Fuente Vejuna, it was overta ken by the royal troops, and suffered considerable loss. Reduded now to 300, destitute of every thing, elovely pursued, and hopeless of success, á consultation was held, and the resolu tion was formed to disperse, and each individual seek safety for himself. "Such," says San Miguel, the narra


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tor," was the fate of a column, wor claim that it was a small flying column, thy by its patriotism and valour of the driven from place to place before a most brilliant triumphs Where so pursuing enemy. The enslaved state many concurrent circumstances com- of the journals, whatever benefits may bined against us, it was morally im- be supposed to arise from it to governpossible for the result to be different. ment in the ordinary state of things, is Fanaticism on the part of an enemy fatal to it in moments of crisis and always more than triple our number; alarm. Every thing which it then addismay and timidity in the well affect- mits against itself is considered as only edpusillanimity and weakness in those a small part of the truth; while what who abandoned us in the hour of dan it states on the opposite side obtains gers the violation of promises by those no credit. The supposed triumphant who had engaged in the cause; un spread of the insurrectionary arms heard of labour and fatigue in such ra- through Andalusia was sufficient to pid torrents and marches night and day, blow into a flame those combustible through a mountainous country, inter materials, with which the peninsula sected by ravines,—all these circum- was so amply stored, and to prepare stances combined must have disheart- the downfal of a government, which red the bravest troops. Wherever," existed only upon the supposed hopebe added, the column of patriot sol-lessness of any attempt to overthrow diers passed, the people applauded them, gave them provisions, effects, The first quarter in which the flame and money; but no one joined them ; at broke forth was Galicia, where also it their departure they wished them suc- originated with the soldiery. The fate ces, and then proceeded to prepare lod- of Porlier had left here deep recollecgagsfor the troops that pursued them."tions, and many of the officers there The impression produced by these had even been involved with that chief. events in the part of Spain in which The explosion took place on the 20th they took place was that of deep des-February, the very day that Venegas, pondence with regard to the success a new governor, arrived at Corunna. of the patriotic cause. The column While Venegas was giving his first auof Riego, which had never presented dience, and receiving the congratulaRay very formidable aspect, was now tions of the authorities, the cry of the ablated; while the mainbody, un constitution!" was raised in the square. der Quiroga, reduced to 4000 men, A body of the military, headed by the still maintained indeed a defensive colonel of artillery, Don Carlos Espiattitude, and repulsed all the attacks nosa, and seconded by the multitude, made upon them; but, inclosed on all disarmed the guards, entered, and inides by superior forces, they had no vited the governor to place himself apparent means of extending their ope- at the head of the undertaking. On rationsrodns fact, however, the work his refusal, they laid him under arrest, was already dones Riego's expedition, and conducted him, with some others however really abortive, made upon who adhered to the same system, to those at a distance an illusory and bril fort San Antonio. The prisons were ant impression. His army, traversing thrown open, and several officers conthe provinces of Andalusia, and enter fined on account of their share in the ing their capitale, appeared to be in an conspiracy of Porlier were set at liberimposing and triumphant attitude. In ty; his widow was carried through rain did the government journals pro- the streets in triumph; but the joyful


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occasion was stained by the death of a serjeant, who had given information against that unfortunate patriot.not

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who was shot near Padornelo by some of the militia, whom he was endeavouring to gain over to his partylovni A junta was now formed, at st the In another corner of of Spain, rent head of which was placed Don Pedro occurred of equally serious portent Agar, one of the members of the last Mina, a name mighty and animating regency, and then resident at Betanzos. to the friends of Spanish liberty, apThe direction of military operations peared again in his native Navarre. His was offered to Colonel Espinosa, but partizans crowded round him, and prohe modestly solicited, and obtained, a claimed him general-in-chief of the napreference for Colonel Ational army of the north of Spain. A similar change was deffected at Ferrol the same time, an effervescence began to on the 23d, when the inhabitants join- be felt in Arragon and Catalonia, and ed in proclaiming the constitution. At the governors of those provinces gave Santiago, the Count de St Rdman, a notice, that they could no longe longer be moderate and amiable man, called a answerable for their continued tranquil council to decide on the steps suitedsolity demoval & ovan fondoⱭ' desa to this exigency. His own opinion was in favour of looking only to the de-s fence of the place. Don Manuel Chantre, however, a canon, started up, and reminding St Roman that, in consequence of the imprisonment of: Venegas, he was now governor general of the province, called upon him to bestir himself for its defence, to raise money, and to call out the provincial regiments of armed peasantry. The fire of this warlike ecelesiastic was struckd into the assembly St Roman, following his advice, soon found himself at the head of upwards of 4000 armed peasantry. He was unable, however, to maintain Santiago against the patriotic troops, which immediately advanced upon it. At the same time, the constitution was enthusiastically proclaimed at Vigo and Portuedrowe Although the towns, however, were now in the hands of the revolutionary party, St Romaned by General Elio, who had been sent continued to maintain the country po for from Valencia, was not listened to. sitions, and a little civil war of about An imperfect attempt at conciliation a month's duration ensued. The royal was made. The Council of State was troops, though rather more numerous, divided into seven sections, for the forbeing less warlike and disciplined, weremation of a new code of laws, and by successively driven from post to post,sa royal ordinance, the universities, corand their remains finally obliged to take oporations, and even simple individuals, refuge within the Portuguese frontier.were invited to communicate their The only memorable event in this conviews qupons this subject This protest was the death of Colonel Acevedo, ceeding did not pledge the King to

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However heavily the storm, now lowered on all sides, the King possessed still the means of extricating himself with honour and safety. Continuing to hold the allegiance of the army, and of all the great cities, his position was still commanding, Had he come forward promptly, and fulfilled his long promise of granting a constitution, he might, in a great degree, have dictated its forms, and reserved for himself a commanding place in it. Only vacil it,q lating half-measures were, however resorted to. An extraordinary Coun of State was called, where strong dif. ferences of opinion are reported to have prevailed, even among the princes of the royal house. Some gave the most violent counsels; that the King should quit Spain, and invoke the aid of the Holy Alliance, but this recommendation, though understood to be support

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any thing, and had entirely the aspect the stone of the constitution, and on of a manœuvre to amuse the people, the enterprize being opposed, they detill the present danger had blown by.ayed, rather than renounced its execuIt involved, therefore, a confession of tion.The King and his counsellors weakness, without affording any thing became now sensible that nothing was to satisfy the calls of the nation. In left to them but to yield. On the fact, the chief confidence was still pla- morning of the 7th an extraordinary Ced in military operations, but while gazette was published, conyoking.the all the generals were suspected, either Cortes, It was now too late, however, of treachery or incapability, the reso- even for the most ample concession; Jution was formed, to call into active nothing was left but unqualified sub1 service the Conde de Abisbal, without mission. The multitude, knew their regard to his former equivocal conduct strength; the whole population of Maand recent disgrace. His military ta- drid, soldiers and people, tumultuously lents and reputation might have power. assembled, tore down the placards, set ful influence in this extremity, and the up the constitutional stone, and with active zea

seph O'Donnell, gave a favourable idea of the loyalty of the family, woll

The King could not have made a more fatal choice. Abisbal was already in coffespondence with the revolution"ary chiefs, and preparing to put him*elf at their head. How far he could be justified in using for this purpose the power placed in his hands by the *King, 'We shall not inquire. Certain fis, being appointed to the command in La Mancha, the first use he made of constitution at



of 1812. Great agitation now preavailed in the palace. Nothing could be a more deep and entire humiliation to the King, than to restore a constitution which he had made it his first act to dissolve, with every mark of reprobation; and he had kept immured for years in dungeons, all concerned in forming and upholding it. The danger, however, was imminent, Ballasteros, called from his disgrace in this hour of extreme need, is supposed to been person, the Ocana, where his brother Alexander King's wavering resolutions He commanded the Imperial regiment. roundly told him that there was not a He then went through Temblique; Al-moment to lose that between the acmagro, Ciudad Real, and the others ceptance of the constitution and his towns of La Mancha, everywhere madethronement, no alternative was left. Fing similar proclamations, and col- The terrified monarch, hastily agreed Reeting troops. He had thus soon form to yield whatever was demanded. ed a little army, to which he hoped The following communication was imquickly to add a great part at least ofmediately issued that commanded by Freyred is abood alt i won stoW TOYɔwɔd any * Affairs were now come to a crisis. The King our Lord deigns to The revolution was no longer confined address to his secretaries of all departto the extremities of the kingdom; it.oments the following royal decrce:was at the door and Madrid, long selavo To avoid the delays which might cretly agitated, and viewing with intake place in consequence of the untense ruterest the movements in the pro-is certainties experienced by the council vinces, began openly to share them, in the execution of my decree of yesAn universal ferment prevailed amongsterday, ordaining the immediate conthe people the soldiers had already,vocation of the Cortes, and the geneon the 5th, made an attempt to raiseroral will of the people having been probla JDI

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