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ISABEL had her arms round Leila's neck, and was smothering her with kisses when Fred was announced. He came in with a very grave face, as if the occasion were momentous.

"Save me, save me!" said Leila. "O Isabel!" And she freed herself from a final and overwhelming embrace that left her with tumbled hair and a general disorderly appearance.

"What do these stories mean?" demanded Fred. "I went to Mr. Malcolm, and he sent me to you."

"What stories ?" asked Leila.

"Why, about you and Mr. Malcolm."

"Didn't he tell you ?" asked Leila.

her assertion; at least, as if he had not comprehended it.

"Why do you not say you are glad," asked Isabel, "or sorry, as the case may be."

"I do not believe it," said Fred. "I do not believe that Leila loves Mr. Malcolm and is going to marry him."

"You doubt his word and mine," said Leila; "but I assure you it is quite true that I have promised to marry Mr. Malcolm."

"Now congratulate her," said Isabel. "Upon my word, Fred, I think you are growing stupid."

"I think I am losing my wits," Fred replied. "Let me see, what is the most approved form of congratulation ?"

"This is an extra occasion," said Leila. "A wealthy widower marries a poor friend

"He said you were engaged, but I less-no, nameless governess, in the very wished to hear it from your own lips."

Isabel's cheek flushed, but Leila answered, pleasantly:"

"To satisfy you, Fred, then, I am engaged to marry Mr. Malcolm."

She spoke apparently without any emotion except of pleasure, and Fred stood regarding her as if he had only half heard

eyes of the world. A young man who would not do it must find words of commendation fail him."

Fred grew very white at this, while Isabel exclaimed:

"For shame, Leila! Do you think Fred would have hesitated a minute about marrying me, had I been poor and nameless "

Leila turned her face a little away as she answered:

"Do not make the supposition, Isabel. I beg Fred's pardon for my hasty words, and hope he will simply tell me that he is glad that I am happy.”

"I shall always be glad to have you hap'py, Leila," Fred said, earnestly.

"And never fear that I shall be," Lella answered, with a touch of pride in her tone.

“A miserable kind of congratulating," said Isabel. "Now I flatter myself that I did the business better."

"To look at me, I should think so," Leila said, arranging herself before the glass, as Mr. Malcolm joined them.

Isabel sprang eagerly up as he entered, and extended her little hand, uttering one of her pretty complimentary speeches that were quite her forte upon such occasions; so that after she and Fred were gone, Mr. Malcolm confided to Leila how great his admiration was for Isabel.

"You are trying to make me jealous, to begin with," said Isabel, "but I am not. Isabel is my pet beauty, and I am very glad to know that you approve of her."

"It's the strangest thing," said Fred, "for Leila to marry that man."

"The most natural and sensible thing in the world," said Isabel. "What objections can you possibly make to the elegant Mr. Malcolm ?"

“None to him, but—but Leila does not love him, Isabel."

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"You are quite sure of that, I suppose ?" said Isabel. "For my part, I think Leila is the best judge of that herself."

"She is dazzled by his fortune; she wants a home, and so-"

"She is simply base. Fred, I never thought you would speak so of Leila!" And Isabel walked on ahead of him impatiently.

"Perhaps you are right," said Fred, catching up with her; "perhaps she does love him."

"Of course she can't help it," said Isabel; "I should love him myself if it wasn't for you."

"I am almost twenty-one," said Fred, musingly; "aren't you glad of it, chicken ?" "Why should I be glad of it?" asked Isabel, demurely.

"Because I am a man then for myself," Fred answered. "I come into possession

of my fortune, we will be married and take that promised trip across the ocean."

"You ought to celebrate your birthday," said Isabel.

"I am going to. I intend giving a great party, and I want you to promise me to wear your white muslin and rosebuds, and look as lovely as you did last week at the German ball."

"O, I promise to wear just what you advise," laughed Isabel, "and to look as lovely as a houri."

She kept her promise, and on the eventful night looked lovelier than ever before in her life, Fred thought. She had dressed to please him, and the fact itself lent her an additional charm. Her dress was snowywhite sheer muslin, and fell about her in graceful profusion, looped here and there with fresh beautiful rosebuds, Fred's gift to her. Her shining hair was dressed, not in the latest style, but as Fred liked it best, and as it became her most. Close to her fair throat there nestled a golden rosebud, living and beautiful, a few green leaves about it, and a bit of heliotrope caught among them.

Fred, as he surveyed her, pronounced himself satisfied.

"You will be the bright particular star to-night," he said, kissing her, with a look more of pride than of love.

"It is enough for me that I please you," Isabel answered; and her face “shone radiantly" as she stood by his side, welcoming his guests, and hers, for the party was given in her name and his, in Fred's house, where sometime she was to reign as mistress.

Mr. Sterne stood like a forbidding shadow behind them. This day had seen a relinquishment of all his power and right as Fred's guardian to Fred, over whom he had exerted so far great influence, an influence he hoped still to continue, even though his greatest power to do so had been taken from him.

"There they come," he said in a low voice to Isabel, who glanced at once toward the door to see who was meant by "they."

Leaning upon Mr. Malcolm's arm, Leila entered the apartment. If Isabel were lovely, Leila was at least superb. She was dressed in a pale shimmering silk, still more subdued by an overdress of illusion, looped here and there with tuberoses. Yet

it was not her dress alone, or the stylish arrangement of her hair, that made those who noticed her stop to gaze a second time. It was more the queenliness of her bearing, the unstudied yet perfect grace with which she endured the scrutiny of which she could not help but have a consciousness, that gained her the encomiums which fell so flatteringly on Mr. Malcolm's ear.

It was a moment of triumph for Leila, and one the enjoyment of which she may well be forgiven, when she returned Mr. Sterne's low bow and servile greeting with a haughty recognition and a scornful an


"Fred's former guardian does not seem to be a favorite of yours," Mr. Malcolm said.

"I have no reason to be fond of him," said Leila; "he treated me, as perhaps you know, with every possible injustice."

"Mr. Hastings told me something about it, but he said it was owing to some mistake of Sterne's, and that as soon as Fred was his own master he probably would make every reparation in his power."

"It is too late now," said Leila; "from Mr. Markham's parents I could have accepted what they saw fit to give me; from him I can accept nothing."

"He will talk with you about it probably hereafter; to-night we enjoy his hospitality, and there seems little left undone by him for our enjoyment."

Leila's face wore a sad expression.

The rooms, though greatly changed in their appearance, were the same where her childhood and youth had been spent in Fred's companionship. In the room, almost in the same place where he now stood with his beautiful fiancee, he had stood with her, asking her to be his little wife.

"This crowd is too fatiguing," Mr. Malcolm said; for Leila's face was his constant study, and she wished, O how she wished, that she might veil it from him sometimes!

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Leila could not reply, so she stood up as if to dance with him.

"The sets are full, and they are already dancing," he said, in an amused tone.

Leila's cheek flushed, and, rousing herself, she said:

"I was absent-minded; I beg your pardon."

"I wonder of what you were thinking?" Fred said.

"I was thinking of the past," Leila answered, quite calmly.

"And was I part of it?".

Leila looked toward Isabel, whose graceful form they could plainly see moving in the dance.

"Yes, you were part of it," she answered; "how could it be otherwise?"

"I am my own master now," said Fred. "Quite sure ?" asked Leila. "Look; Isabel is smiling across to us. How more than lovely she is to-night!"

"Yes, that was a dress of my choosing; but it will not compare with yours, Leila; nothing will compare with you-Leila-"

The music ceased suddenly, the dance was at an end, Mr. Malcolm brought Isabel to where Fred and Leila stood, both with faces strangely pale.

"Mr. Malcolm has made me promise .him the next two dances after this," said Isabel; "he dances this with you." And she drew the feathered edge of her fan over Leila's cheek.

"If you wish to dance," he said. "You look so pale, had we better not go home?" "Yes," was on Leila's lips to say, but Isabel interrupted her.


What, with my dances undanced? O no, Mr. Malcolm, Leila will hardly be so cruel as that. When you have danced, the color will come into your cheeks, Leila, for you are pale, and Fred, too. Upon my word, I believe you have been quarrelling!"

"It is well for us to be separated, then," said Leila, taking Mr. Malcolm's arm, as he led her away to dance.

Perhaps the dance roused her; however it might be, when Fred sought her again her demeanor was wholly changed. The sparkle and the spirit had returned to her, and she met him with a smile instead of a tear.

"This music," she said, "is delightful. I have to thank you for a very pleasant evening, Mr. Markham."

"The rocking-horse used to stand in that

corner sometimes," said Fred, pointing to a tasteful what-not covered with books and vases of flowers.

"Yes, I remember," said Leila, "it was a pleasure to us then; but that which is there now is more of a pleasure to us in the present. Tastes change, you know," she added quickly, preventing Fred's denial that anything could exceed the rocking-horse.

"Yours may, but mine cannot," he said. "That is not true," said Leila; "your tastes change most and oftenest of any one's I know."

"Fickle, you make me out," said Fred. "But not faithless," said Leila. Fred's cheeks crimsoned.

"Call me Launcelot," he said, “and have done with it."

"I call you nothing, Fred," said Leila, seriously. "I would not judge you for the world; only please never, never again look at me or speak to ne as you have done to-night."

She turned quickly away from him as she spoke to Mr. Malcolm, who sought her to learn if she still wished to go home. One of the roses fell upon the floor from off her dress. Fred picked it up, and seeing Mr. Malcolm looking at him, was about to put it in that gentleman's hand, when he saw in the latter's button-hole a rosebud flushing from pink to yellow, so he kept the white waxlike blossom himself.

"Exchange is no robbery," said Mr. Malcolm. "Is that your thought, Markham ?"

"I hardly know," said Fred.

"Congratulate me, then," said Mr. Malcolm, "upon having proved that it is." And he lay Isabel's rosebud in Leila's hair, where it pressed close to the white and fragrant tuberoses, a charming, graceful foil.



FRED used every inducement to make Leila accept a portion of the property left him by his parents, but Leila was persistent in the refusal of it, and he could not but confess to himself that she was right in so refusing it, much as he desired her to take it, for the sake of those to whom it had belonged.

Mr. Malcolm urged her to please Fred by accepting the only reparation that it seemed in his power to make for what she had suffered at the hands of Mr. Sterne.

"You know nothing about it," Leila told him; but Mr. Malcolm knew more than she suspected. Once he had been foolish enough to fear Philbert as a rival in his affections; now he had fixed upon another as his rival, or one who might have been his rival, were it not that he was pledged to another as good and as beautiful as Leila herself, for Mr. Malcolm's admiration for Isabel increased the better he knew her.

Leila wondered sometimes if it were not all wrong among them, and if it were not possible to make it right by an exchange that should indeed be no robbery.

She was thinking of this one day after Fred and Isabel had been calling upon her, and Mr. Malcolm, as usual, began praising the latter as soon as they were gone, when he said to her:

"Leila, I am going away for the summer."

"Going away ?" asked Leila, in a tone of regret.

"Not to leave you, darling. going away."

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"But the children are intent upon going somewhere, and, as you still persist in governessing them, you perceive you will be obliged to accompany them."

"Very well," said Leila; "wherever you and they go, I will go."

Consequently, they went to Saratoga, Mrs. Trip included, and the care of the children gradually devolved upon her, and the care of Leila, too.

Perhaps in resolving to marry Mr. Malcolm, Leila had taken a false step that led her to take others. She had acquired a great fondness for dress since her betrothal to him, and the liberal salary that he paid her enabled her to gratify herself and him in that matter. They had not been at Saratoga a week before Leila found herself the "rage."

Her beauty, grace and wit were undeniable; her toilet was perfect; and her position as Mr. Malcolm's fiancee was unexceptionable.

Leila enjoyed the homage extended to her, dropped her governess-ship, and gave herself up to gayety.

If Mr. Malcolm hinted that a little quieter life would suit him better, Leila reminded him that it was not her wish, but his, that had brought them there, that she was only obeying him and enjoying herself.

Among the gentleman admirers who paid her their attention, despite their knowledge of her relationship to Mr. Malcolm, was a young man named Lascours. Handsome, wealthy and reckless, he was as much the lion of the place as Leila was the reigning beauty. Leila at first disliked him, afterward tolerated him, and then, in a fit of waywardness, made a friend of him.

"Leila, my child," Mr. Malcolm said to her, "I should so much prefer that you would not continue your acquaintance with Mr. Lascours."

"Why, Richard," said Leila-of late she had taken to calling him by his Christian name, which pleased him greatly, and was sure to obtain her almost any favor-" he is always gentlemanly with me, and everybody here likes to be seen with him. Besides, I belong to you, and everybody remembers that."

"Poor Lascours! it would be hard indeed," thought Richard Malcolm, "to deny him the few words and smiles that Leila gives him from the abundance that belongs to me."

He kissed Leila, and said he would trust her with whomsoever she chose to be, so that she kept him always first in her heart and her thoughts.

Unconsciously he was spoiling her.

"If he would only say to me that I must or that I must not," thought Leila; and the very desire to make him arbitrary led her to abuse his indulgence, injuring herself and him.

"What does this mean ?" said Philbert, who had joined them for a while.

"They talk of Leila here as if-well-as 1 never thought to hear her spoken of." "Talk of Leila ?" exclaimed Mr. Malcolm, in alarm.

"Yes, your Leila," said Philbert; "and I met her just now walking with a man whom I do not care to speak to."

"What does this mean ?" thundered Mr. Malcolm, in his turn.

"Why, that Lascours," said Philbert,

"is a perfect villain. A sister of mine shouldn't brush her dress against him, if I had my way."

Philbert spoke strongly, but he knew the strength of Lascours's position, and Mr. Malcolm's easy way of looking at things. "I'll find her," said Mr. Malcolm. "Which way are they?"

"I'll bring her to you," Philbert said. And he went out, and presently returned with Leila.

"Do you want me ?" she asked. "Mr. Lascours was making himself very agreeable, I assure you." And Leila seated herself with some display on a low ottoman at Mr. Malcolm's feet, and, leaning her arm upon his knee, looked bewitchingly up into his face.

Philbert stared. Could this be Leila?

Mr. Malcolm regarded her as was usual with him, smiling pleasantly. Whatever she did seemed to him beyond censure, yet he said, gravely:

"Leila, Philbert tells me that this Lascours is not a fitting companion for you, and henceforth it will please me if you avoid him altogether."

"What has he done ?" asked Leila. "No matter," said Philbert, impatiently. "I shouldn't know you, Leila. What have you done?"

"Am I so changed?" asked Leila, wearily.

Philbert's presence roused her to a sense of what she was fast becoming; she began to despise herself, and to blame Mr. Malcolm for allowing her so far to lose her best self.

"I shall drop Lascours, if you wish it, Richard," she said.

"I knew you would, my darling," he answered, kissing her. "I only wish I had insisted on it before."

It would have been well had he done so, for dropping Lascours was not so easy a matter as might be supposed. Lascours was without principle, and greatly pleased with Leila; consequently her studied coldness, following so soon upon her graciousness, piqued him at first, then irritated him. In refusing to receive him as her friend, she made a bitter enemy of him.

Several days after Philbert's arrival Leila had been walking with him, and Alice, and Anna, and had been getting back to her old self again, when, as they turned a corner of one of the principal

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