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ISABEL went with her father to his quiet country home to pass the summer. The winter had been spent in gayety, and she was glad to rest. She had hoped to have Leila with her, and was greatly disappointed that she could not have her wish. Fred urged her to go with him to Saratoga, but Isabel did not care to go; beside, she desired to please her father by remaining with him while it was possible. She never should be separated from him, but of course, after she and Fred were married, there would be a difference.

Her life was monotonous, but by no means unpleasant. She sewed, and read, and idled, entertaining her father and Fred, when they were present, with her merry artless talk and manner.

One evening she sat singing to herself, watching the sunset, and waiting for Fred to come. The moment she saw him approaching the house, she knew that something troubled him. She ran out to meet him.

"What is it, Fred? What has happened?" she asked, her own face catching the trouble that she saw in his.


"O Isabel, she is lost!" he exclaimed, in a tone of anguish. "Leila is lost." 66 "Lost?"

"I have seen Philbert, and he says that Malcolm is wild with grief."

"Fred, what do you-do you mean?" "I hardly know how to tell you," Fred answered. "Where is your father?"

"Here," said Isabel, as her father came toward them from the house.

In a few words Fred told them all that he knew of Leila's disappearance, and the three stood a moment gazing dumbly into one another's faces. At length Isabel spoke:

"I do not believe that Leila has done this of her own free will. It is not like her."

"That is what I said to Philbert, and he said he would not have believed it of her once, but Leila had greatly changed."

"What has been done ?" asked Isabel's father.

"It has been kept as quiet as possible, while leaving nothing undone to find her." "Is there any clue to her disappearance ?" 66 None, save the absence of Lascours, and that is almost worse than none." "O dear!" said poor Isabel, growing

pale and red by turns, "I will go myself and look for her. Fred, father, what can we do?"

Fred's face grew gloomier, and he did not attempt to soothe her. He could not, for his own mental suffering was extreme. For Leila's anxious friends there seemed to remain nothing but to watch and wait. To wait when untold evils might be surrounding her! Mr. Malcolm had gone himself from place to place seeking her in vain, until, worn physically and mentally, he had been obliged to yield to the fever that stole over him, and lay raving and helpless while others pursued the fruitless search.

After a month had passed, the first impatient anguish settled into a calm of horror. Every night Isabel looked for some word from Fred, and always, if any, came the word of disappointment. She grew pale and spiritless, and her father found it difficult to cheer her with the promise of a hope in which he could not trust himself.

Another month, and Lascours was found, but he knew nothing of Leila, and in no way could it be proved that he had seen her or been with her any time since her fatal disappearance.

This was not generally believed, but neither threats nor persuasions could force from him any information of her whereabouts, even if he had any to impart. The mystery was greater than before, and the gloom settled deeper over those who loved the missing one.

Mr. Malcolm, as soon as he was able, sought Lascours, and tried to force from him the truth concerning Leila. Lascours tipped his hat on one side, and denied any remembrance of her whatever.

"Why, I've known a thousand pretty girls this last year," he said. "I hope I've not to keep an account of them all for the benefit of their friends. I hope I'm not responsible for any elopements they may choose to make."

"Be careful how you talk to me, sir," said Mr. Malcolm, eyeing him sternly. "You know of whom I am speaking; you dare not deny it upon your oath."

"I haven't taken any oath," said Las


"You shall take one, and you shall tell me everything you know about her." Mr. Malcolm was weak yet, and his voice faltered in speaking the last word.

"The idiot loves her still," thought Lascours.

"Do you think she ran away with me?'" he asked.

Malcolm ground his teeth as he replied: "I might have thought so once, but now I believe differently. It is you who have done it all-you-" And, losing his selfcontrol, he dashed at Lascours, to fall himself almost fainting upon the floor.

Lascours helped him to rise, and poured a glass of wine down his throat, which Mr. Malcolm refused with his remaining strength to swallow.


Come, come," said Lascours, patting him on the shoulder, "I think it is time that I practised forgiveness a little, seeing you take it so much to heart."

The wine, or his indignation, er both combined, roused Malcolm.

"You false villain!" he exclaimed, “do you prate of forgiveness ?"

66 Yes," said Lascours, coolly, "I forgive the wretched pride, upon which I have been sufficiently revenged to make forgiveness possible. Miss Grey is quite safe, I am told, though I have not seen her since we parted, in rather an angry fashion, a month or two ago."

"You knew nothing about her a moment ago," said Mr. Malcolm.

That is true; I do know nothing. If you wish for further information, go to Fred Markham-with your best clothes on, and your most refined society manner."

Mr. Malcolm started, and grew pale again.

"If you are deceiving me," he said, as he groped for his hat, and staggeringly left the room, "you shall rue it."

As the door closed, Lascours lighted his cigar, and between the puffs soliloquized:

"I hope they'll let me alone now. If I'd thought of being taken to account by so many people, I wouldn't have done itno, not for the sake of seeing that proud fellow lying on the floor there, and forced to take my wine. They're paid, at any for their impertinence- and I'm paid, too, for my little part in the game; and, despite my reputed wealth, I'm very glad of the money."


"By the way," he added, suddenly, "I must see Sterne." And hastily putting on his hat, he left the room.



MR. STERNE, after resigning his guardianship, left Fred's house, and took up his abode in one of his own, not far distant. It was a small but elegant little dwelling, well kept by a pale-faced fairhaired woman, who seemed a mere automaton, and moved one way or another as Mr. Sterne desired. Fred sometimes called to see his guardian, but not oftener of late than formerly. On the day of Mr. Malcolm's interview with Lascours, Fred received a hasty note from Mr. Sterne, requiring his immediate presence.

"Some word from Leila, maybe," he said; and joyfully obeyed the summons.,

Therefore, when Mr. Malcolm called at his lodgings, he found him gone. Fred's house had been closed, to remain so until the return of Isabel and her father to the city, when they were all intending to remain there for the winter, the spring having been fixed upon for the wedding, when they were to depart, to spend six months or a year in Europe.

"But not until Leila is found," persisted Isabel. "I can do nothing until then."

She was sitting listlessly, wondering if the sunshine ever would again seem as beautiful to her as it used when she and Leila sat in it together, when, looking from the window, to her surprise she perceived Mr. Malcolm approaching the house. She had not seen him since Leila's loss, and her first impulse was to run away and hide herself, not knowing what to say to him; but her father was not there, and, restraining her emotion, she opened the door for him. Their hands met, and they looked at each other, but neither of them could find a word to say.

Isabel never would forget the look of misery in Mr. Malcolm's face, or he the pitying tenderness in hers. He would not enter the house, but asked in a strangely constrained voice if Fred were there.

"I have not seen him," Isabel replied. "He was in the city to-day."

"I have been at his lodgings," said Mr. Malcolm, "and he is not there."

"He may be at Mr. Sterne's," said Isabel. "Must you see him to-day? To-morrow he will be here."

"I must see him as soon as I can, my poor child."

Isabel grew suddenly alarmed on Fred's


"You have heard something about him," she said; "what is it?"

"Another time-another time," muttered Mr. Malcolm, hurrying away, leaving Isabel wondering and frightened. She wrote two hasty notes, one to Fred and one to her father, and at noon they both presented themselves.

"Did you see Mr. Malcolm ?" she asked of the former.

"Malcolm? No; has he been here ?" Isabel related the fact of his call, and the strangeness of his manner.

Curious," said Fred. "I met one or two of my acquaintances to-day who regarded me as if something new and strange had happened to me; and Sterne threw out hints that I could in no wise understand."

"I do not like Mr. Sterne," said Isabel. "I believe he could tell us something about Leila if he had a mind to."

"And he implied the same of me this morning," said Fred.

"Of you!"

Isabel looked indignant, but her father glanced up suspiciously. He had been counselling Fred to marry, believing in his own mind that Leila never would be found; and he wished Isabel to be roused from the brooding state into which she had fallen; but Fred put off his marriage, saying Isabel did not wish it yet, nor did he. Therefore, when Mr. Sterne's charge against Fred was made known, he felt the doubt waken in his own heart against him. He waited until Isabel had left them, then he said to Fred:

"As children you and Leila were fond of one another?"

"Yes," said Fred, chokingly, "and that is-why-"

"It cannot be," thought Mr. Hastings. "Poor fellow!" he said, patting him on the shoulder, "poor fellow!"'

The next day Fred received another urgent request from Mr. Sterne that he would come to his house, appointing an hour for him to do so. He had intended to spend the day with Isabel, and she was expecting him, and was greatly disappointed to find that he had altered his mind and was going to the city.

"You are so restless," she said, "we never have a quiet pleasant evening now." How can we ?"


"We cannot," answered Isabel, sadly. "O Leila! Leila! I wonder if you guess how we suffer on your account!"

The very words that Mr. Malcolm said over again and again to himself as he left Mr. Sterne's after a conversation with him that served only to plunge him still deeper in mystery. He had engaged to return the following day at a specified hour to Mr. Sterne's, when, that gentleman implied, some important revelation should be made to him.

He spent a sleepless night, and rose early, only anxious for the hours to go that he might present himself. Weary at last with waiting, he seated himself in his armchair and fell into a gentle doze. The striking of the clock aroused him, and, finding it past the appointed time, he hastily set out.

As he approached Mr. Sterne's house he saw Fred just entering; he hastened to overtake him, but the door was closed before he reached it, and he stood waiting outside a long time.

To his surprise he was told that Mr. Sterne was not at home.

"But you are to wait," said the palefaced woman. And she showed him into a small room adjoining the drawing-room, and communicating with it by means of a doorway hung with damask curtains looped either side away from the opening.

"A note for Mr. Malcolm," she said, laying her fingers upon a bit of folded paper on the table.

"For me?" said Mr. Malcolm; and he opened it and read, "Look, and listen."

"Not particularly honorable advice," thought Mr. Malcolm; and he hesitated about obeying, even when he heard voices strangely familiar, and footsteps coming down the stairs into the hall.

"Take me away from here," pleaded a voice that thrilled while it rendered him motionless.

He heard the drawing-room door open, and Fred Markham's voice saying: "Not yet, Leila dearest; we must wait—" What more he said Mr. Malcolm did not hear. A strange rushing sound in his ears made him dizzy and faint; a blindness crept over him, and he sank upon the floor, conscious of nothing until, coming, as it were, to him through miles and miles of space, he heard the words:

"For I have loved you, Leila, always, and always shall."

Then the darkness stole over him again, to vanish at the sound of a sweet endearing voice that said:

"I cannot deceive you longer, Fred, you or my poor proud heart; I love you as I can never love another."

"Am I dreaming, or is this, at last, the bitter end of my dream?" asked Mr. Malcolm of himself, as, pale and haggard, he pushed aside the curtains and entered the room, surprising Fred, with one arm round Leila, upon whose cheek he had that moment pressed a kiss.

Leila sprang up, uttering a cry of fear and recognition, while Fred sank back upon the sofa powerless to speak.

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Explain yourself," said Mr. Malcolm, confronting him; "how long have you and-" pointing at Leila-" how long have you been happy in my unhappiness? O heaven! I would say that I forgave them if my heart were not too broken!" he added, turning from them that he might not see their sad shamefacedness.

Leila was the first to speak.

"Until this hour, Richard," she said, "I have been true to you in word and deed. It was only-when-worn with privation-with resistance-of that base, base man-I was at last released by-himwhom I loved so-once-"

"And now," said Malcolm, "you love him now?"

Leila paused, unable to utter a denial. "With all my love for you," said he, "I have never once wakened in your heart a tenth part of the love you feel for him. I must love you-must love you, my little Leila-but you shall not be forced any longer to love me; you are free."

"No, Richard, no,” cried Leila, clinging to him, "do not say that I am free. I need your love so, to keep me from this of mine. Help me, Richard, to be true!"

He placed her gently in a chair, while Fred, with bowed head, sat silent and immovable.

"Tell me all that has happened, Leila, since we parted that night so long ago. You loved me a little then, Leila."

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not have told you why if I had tried. I lay awake until midnight, then fell into a sound slumber; when I woke, it was with a strange sensation of motion. I felt also a bandage about my eyes, which I tried to remove, but a hand took hold of mine and drew it down. I was conscious then of being driven at a rapid rate in a close carriage, and, greatly frightened, I spoke your name, asking if you were with me. There was no response."

Leila paused, and Mr. Malcolm, as he held her hand, felt a tremor pass through her frame.

"Do not go on now," he said; "you are fatigued already with emotion. Let it suffice that we have you back again."

"You will take me back?" asked Leila. Mr. Malcolm hesitated.

"If you desire it."

"Then it shall not be," said Leila, with sudden decision. "I will not wrong your love so far as to accept it. Forgive me, if you can-and forget me." As she spoke, Mr. Sterne's voice was heard without, and presently he entered the room.

"Have you sufficient proof of what I told you?" he asked of Mr. Malcolm, ignoring the presence of the other two.

"I am still much puzzled," Mr. Malcolm answered. "I entered your house by appointment with you, and find you gone. I am invited by a note from you to listen and look-advice which I would not willingly follow. Mysteriously Leila and Mr. Markham appeared upon the scene, and-"

"You discover the intrigue existing between them, in which I have assisted, merely that in the end I might disclose it to you."


"Intrigue at which you assisted ?" exclaimed Fred, rousing himself. Sterne, are you beside yourself?"

"Well-acted surprise!" sneered Mr. Sterne, "but it will not do, young man. It is as well for you to confess the part you have played, and make all the reparation that you can."

Fred stared bewildered.

"Mr. Sterne," said Leila, "it was you who hired Lascours and Castor, and what others I do not know, to steal me away from those who love me, to threaten me even with the loss of my life. It was you who sought to blacken my honor, and now you hope to throw the blame upon another,

who has, poor fellow! fallen into your snare as blindly as you would have had me, when you represented to me that it was at his instigation you stole me away and imprisoned me here."

"You see," said Mr. Sterne, "how well they both conspire to throw the blame of their actions upon me."

"Who is quite capable of bearing it, in my opinion," Mr. Malcolm answered. "This affair shall be looked into, I assure you, Mr. Sterne, and the guilty parties punished as they deserve."

"This is your gratitude," said Mr. Sterne. "I had the power to do whatever I would with your treasure, and I restored it to you."

"In order to involve me," said Fred. "Your plan was well and deeply laid, but it has failed; and I promise you it is the last time that you shall have the power to injure me."

"It will be best for you to bring no charges against me, unless you wish to ruin yourself, and bring this lady's name before the public in a manner unpleasant to herself and her friends."

"You shall suffer, if I can make you," said Fred, “as you have made us suffer.”

"Hush!" said Leila, placing her hand gently on Fred's arm. "Can we do less than forgive, Fred, who have such need of forgiveness ?"

"If you can forgive him, I ought," said Fred, "but-" He looked significantly at Leila's thin pale face, where suffering had left its mark too plainly ever to be erased.

"It is no time now to decide upon a course of action," Mr. Malcolm said. "Leila, will you go home with me-will you not?" he asked, noticing her draw away from him.

"I have nowhere else to go," said Leila; "yet how can I go with you?"

"Poor child!" he said, pityingly, "poor troubled child, you may come to me whenever you like. I am your father, guardian, anything that will give me the power to protect you."

Leila placed her hand trustingly in his, and that night went home with him.

What rejoicing greeted her! Alice and Anna laughed, and cried, and kissed Leila, and one another, and questioned her, and wondered where she had been.

"Did your hair grow down to your feet, like the beautiful princess ?" asked Anna.

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