Imatges de pàgina

sent a momentary flush to his sallow cheek. He lifted his eyelids, and the shrewd sharp eyes darted a hasty glance into the speaker's face, as if in search of a guiding hint concerning his own course. He met the sorrowful but kind calm look of Captain Alick with a nervous trepidation his best efforts could not conceal.

“Really, Alick, I am not quite sure I understand you. You know I said before I had forgotten all those old affairs!" stammered he.

"I think a little effort will enable you to recall the facts. I said I had learned the truth, Dick. So you will understand that I realize now the folly of my unquestioning confidence in your friendship. But, Dick, man, times are changed; you are right there. If this discovery had come thirty, or even twenty years ago, instead of having you out here at Thurston Cottage, I should have sent you a peremptory summons to take your choice of weapons. Young blood is so hot; but mine is creeping sluggishly now, Dick. I don't want to leave the world with bitterness and hatred in my heart. When, a month gone, I learned how treacherously you dealt with me, when I thought of my barren, desolate life, of my poor Miriam's wretched, wretched history, I own I cursed you. But calmer thoughts followed. It is strange how I have always clung to you, Dick; how warm a return I have given to your cold liking! I sat down, and began hunting up extenuating circumstances to plead your cause. I said it is not so very unnatural. Dick was always such an ambitious fellow, his marriage with Annabel Graeme seemed to set him upon the ladder to success. If he refused to conciliato her brother, he lost this much-desired wife. I told over to myself just how you reasoned. You always had such a lawyer brain, Dick. I know you said it would be the best thing for me, that I was a giddy boy, ready to lose all my best prospects for the sake of an obscure and penniless girl. You said it was the best thing to put the girl out of my path. O Dick! Dick! You meant to do me a kindness, but you blasted my whole life! hers Man! man! it drives me frantic to recall it!"

Captain Alick dropped his face, on which the great drops of perspiration had started, into his hands, and a great sob shook his broad chest. The Honorable Richard

looked on, half curious, half angry, thoroughly discomfited.

"But, Alick," ventured he, "you seem to take for granted the truth of some unknown accusation. Who has dared thus secretly malign me?"

"Hush, Dick! Don't try to cheat me longer. You will lose my still clinging affection. I tell you, man, across all these yawning years I cannot reach back to the hot passions of boyhood. I bear you no anger. You see that I have sent for you in friendliness. I give you the privilege of helping me right what wrong lies in your power. I know the whole miserable story; how you helped Gilbert Graeme dupe and cheat me, how you poisoned my Miriam's sweet trustfulness and drove her into his arms, to win his sister for yourself. Thank Heaven! she was saved from the foulest wrong. She escaped, she fled. She was lost to me who might have been the joy and pride of my life, but she escaped from the vile clasp of Gilbert Graeme."

Richard Merton winced, but he put on an aggrieved tone.

"Alick, who has been talking to you? From whence do you get this strange absurd story?" cried he, stretching across the table his long thin hand.

"I have it from one who has never lied from the grave itself, from my Miriam's dying message!" was the stern low-breathed reply.

The outstretched hand, blazing with the magnificent seal ring stamped with the Merton crest, fell heavily to the table. The honorable gentleman's sallow cheek wore a still more livid tinge. The eyelids dropped over the crafty steel-cold eyes. He was overwhelmed with confusion. Sorrowfully and gravely Captain Alick's eyes followed the shifting emotions of his face. "You see, Dick," said he presently, 66 we are to talk as if you agreed to my views of the case. I am certain you repent heartily the unkind part you acted toward me. Believe me, after the first pangs were over I should have dug a grave and buried the ugly recollection out of sight. You would never have known from me of my discovery, but for the reparation presented to you, but for the atonement lying in your power."

"What is it?" asked the other, in a husky voice.

"Listen! Miriam escaped from the trap

that aristocratic villain set for her. Be-, lieving me false, and well nigh losing her faith in mankind, she fled, covering carefully every vestige of her track. She lived as companion to an elderly invalid in Sicily, three dreary years. Her protectress dying, left her a moderate competence. Still keeping an assumed name, to shield her from a nameless dread of Sir Gilbert Greame, she lived in the little foreign town in strict retirement. A singular train of circumstances brought her in contact with a wealthy Englishman, sent to that mild air to favor delicate lungs. I need not dwell upon the particulars. He discovered the same attractions which held me under so close a spell, and threw himself at her feet. He offered her the protection of an honorable name and manly heart. She was alone, friendless, nearly brokenhearted. She accepted the staff put beneath her trembling hands. She married him, living as quietly as suited her tastes and his feeble health. He died two years afterward, very suddenly, and when she came forward as his wife, the foreign agent of his family coolly put her claims aside. They declared there had been no marriage, that it was tacitly understood by all his acquaintance she was merely the mistress selected to solace the failing health of the invalid. They offered a moderate pension, but persistently refused to recognize her. She spurned this insulting proffer, and sought for proofs. To her horror, she found every trace of the performance of the legal ceremony carefully obliterated. The very clergyman was nowhere to be found. She knew nothing about him, excepting that he was a Scotchman, who said he had left his pulpit for a brief vacation. His name was very carelessly written upon the certificate he gave them. She remembered her husband's remarking it; but she was very positive it was signed John Maclean, and that he came from Edinburgh. The defiant tone of her communications from her husband's family disgusted as well as distressed her. She knew the priceless papers must have been stolen from their desk during the confusion ensuing upon his sudden death. Her first efforts proving unavailing, having no trusty friend to turn to, this poor forlorn creaturecreated, Dick, to adorn and beautify any sphere in life, you must bear me out in that assertion-passively acquiesced in her

hard fate. She had her little year-old babe to comfort her, and the yearly annuity paid by the terms of her benefactress's will would keep her from poverty. So she settled down in that strange town upon the Mediterranean shore. The child growing up towards womanhood, aroused again her anxiety that the truth should be proved, and her rights demanded. By a blessed providential discovery she at last learned how cruelly she had been betrayed, and how miserably I had been cheated. She says, in her touching letter, that it roused all her failing strength. She knew she could rely upon my help. With her dying blessing, she sent to my care her precious child and her injured cause."

Captain Alick paused, and looked over anxiously into the face of his guest. It was half averted, but showed trace of emotion, which gave him much encouragement.

"Dick," he exclaimed, impulsively, "Miriam is dead and gone! it is hopeless to seek to help her to her own rights; but we can grant her dying wish. We can give her child her rightful heritage. I am an unlearned, blunt old sailor. I am afraid I should bungle at the matter; such things are out of my line. I see that it needs adroit, delicate handling, or matters will be injured instead of benefited. I can work straightforward, but I am at loggerheads directly I try to set sly traps. It is just the thing for you, Dick; you never failed in your life at such a job. Will you undertake it? Mind, all the expense shall be taken from my purse if you fail. If you succeed, this dear little girl can well afford to recompense you generously from that noble property."

"You have not told me what estate it is to which the claim is laid ?" said the Honorable Richard, picking up a walnut, and meditating a move toward the nutcrackers.

His host was evidently a little embarrassed. One hand had been nervously fingering a small roll of paper in the pocket of his loose sacque coat. He drew it out now, glanced over the lines hastily, and, turning down the edge of the paper, laid it down on the table before the other's eye.

The walnut fell as suddenly as if a blow had fallen upon those long slim fingers, and rolled across the table, falling with a light bound to the polished oaken floor.

"Confusion" exclaimed the honorable gentleman, in a startled angry voice.

"I know you are surprised, Dick. You did not think you were once more crushing poor Miriam, when your prompt diplomacy settled so decisively that 'foreign upstart claim upon Wilmot's property,' and the old place."

"Captain Alick Thurston, this is really too much!" exclaimed Richard Merton, starting up from the table. "I certainly did not come down here to meet with insult. You have been imposed upon. You were always too quixotic. I tell you that Miriam was a cheat-you were well rid of her-"


"Hold" thundered Captain Alick, also leaping from his chair. Beware, Dick Merton how you use that sacred name lightly. I tell you the girl was as much my wife, in the sight of Heaven, as though forty priests had stood over us. Our hearts were exchanged, our nuptial vows uttered solemnly, in the Almighty presence. Through all these years I have borne around a bereaved empty breast. She has turned to me fearlessly, from her very bed of death. Dick! Dick! how can I have loved you so? Is your heart a stone indeed? Have all these years of familiar intercourse with trickery, and fraud, and giant wrongs, crushed out from you a man's honor? I had counted strongly on your help. I thought you would gladly make this atonement, to ease the nightmare remorse which it seemed must weigh heavily on your soul. Once more I appeal to you, in the name of all things sacred, to help me in this matter. I know it will be hard. I think I understand the sorest point. But, Dick, money is not everything in this world; surely you must have seen that. And you will have enough. You are well aware that everything I have is left to you and yours. My will is still unchanged; but, Dick, I must certainly make a new one, if you persist in denying the claim of this hapless orphan. Miriam's child must not be left to the chance of winning her right. From this day she is my adopted daughter. But you will consent, Dick ?"

He stood up erect, his eye flashing, his noble face illumined with a grand enthusiasm, and before him was the livid sneering countenance of his guest.

"Say you will consent to help me, Dick?" pleaded Captain Alick.

"I do not believe a word of her story. 1

think I should be wronging the innocent if I wrested the estate from my ward's hands. You know-or perhaps you do not know-that he is as good as engaged to my daughter."

"I suspected it; but it does not alter the matter. Why should it?"

The wily man of the world had by this time, in a measure, recovered the wits which had been sadly routed by this sudden and astounding revelation. He rallied all his faculties, and slowly returned to his seat.

"Let us try to look at the affair coolly," said he, in his accustomed smooth and oily tones. "It is possible I may see it differently. I must have a little quiet reflection, to know exactly what is right."

"Heaven grant you may find it! and to add another, and, to me, irresistible appeal, let me summon one more interested than either of us."

He rang the bell as he spoke, and said quietly to the servant who appeared:

"Ask Widow Nancy to say to the young lady that I should feel honored by her presence here for a few moments."

The servant disappeared, and the pair waited in silence full fifteen minutes; then quick light steps were heard coming through the hall. The host smiled softly, and, as if to brush off all traces of sternness and agitation from his face, passed his hand hastily across forehead, cheek and mouth. The guest cast an uneasy, disturbed glance toward the door, and then involuntarily rose to his feet.


You have seen faces, oftener in pictures than elsewhere, but at rare intervals, in reality, which affected you with a vague and yet very distinct sensation of mingled awe and delight. Such sweet serene light shone in the eyes, such a depth of purity hovered around the tranquil lips, such an indescribable refinement, and goodness, and innocence, shone through every lineament.

This young girl who came floating through the dark-panelled doorway toward these two men of such widely different character and experience, was of just such lovely presence. Her very coming seemed to brighten the room, as a sunbeam or a blossom can enliven the gloomiest scene.

Even the fierce angry clamoring in Richard Merton's worldly heart cowered down, and for a moment held its peace, while his host, with a thrilling smile, rose to meet her. "You sent for me, Captain Alick. If there is anything I can do for you, I shall be so glad; but I fear there is no way in which I may repay your goodness,"

The voice was sweet and clear, the accent slightly foreign. Captain Alick took in his the wee white hand, and answered, fondly:

"Nay, my child, you must forget this thought of obligation. Have I not adopted you into my heart as a beloved daughter? Is not your very presence in this dull old place the richest largess I could ask? Come hither, my child. Here is an old comrade of mine; one who shared all my boyish life, who has always held a warm corner in my heart. This is Mr. Richard Merton, Genevieve."

This girl, reared in the utmost seclusion, wholly unlearned in the courtly etiquette upon which the ladies of his acquaintance prided themselves, turned toward him with a graceful unconsciousness, which the Honorable Richard inwardly admitted was the very perfection of lady-like ease.

"I am very glad to see you, Mr. Merton, Captain Alick is so kind to me, I already love him so dearly, that I cannot but choose take his friend for mine upon the first meeting."

"I hope you will find him a good and generous friend," said Captain Alick, while Mr. Mertou bowed his acknowledgment of Genevieve's address. "You see we have been discussing grave and knotty questions over our wine. Will you come into the little parlor, and charm away the cobwebs with one of those sweet melodies you warble like any forest birdling?"

"I shall be too proud and happy. I will do my best. How glad I am you love singing!"

She led the way joyfully, and with unaffected readiness seated herself at the piano, and commenced a sweet Italian hymn, giving the words in English. The gentlemen could do no otherwise than listen attentively. Her voice was wonderfully sweet, and had evidently been carefully cultured. She sang song after song, now and then glancing around with a pleased smile to mark the rapt enchanted look on her friend's face.

"I am sure you are tired,” said Captain Alick, at last.

She shook her head playfully, but he continued, peremptorily:

"Not another note. I must not be too extravagant, even in so pure an enjoyment. Run away, birdling, and ask Widow Nancy to look out for the honey jars, since I am quite confident you feed surreptitiously upon them to obtain the dulcet tone for your songs."

Laughing merrily, Genevieve withdrew. Captain Alick looked over triumphantly into his guest's face.

"You cannot blame me now, Dick, for my earnest desire to restore to so peerless a creature the rightful fortune and noble name of her father. She will be the brightest star at court."

"Does she know herself of this claim? She is indeed a very charming girl. But, Alick, in such an important matter one must move cautiously and deliberately. The subject requires careful consideration."


"She knows nothing. It is five weeks now since she arrived, and I have scarcely thought of any other subject. There is no need of further consideration on my part," returned the captain, impatiently.

"But certainly there is on mine. I am of a slower, less impetuous nature. Let me have the papers to read to-night when I retire to my chamber. I promise you to give it careful thought, and in the morning you shall know my candid opinion."

"I don't want your opinion. I want your answer, yes or no. Will you help right this defrauded orphan ?"

"If you like that statement better, you shall have my ay or nay in the morning."

"Very well. You understand those papers are merely copies. The main thing is to find this Scotch minister; then, of course, the matter is settled. Perhaps you already know something about him. You certainly were the principal manager of the affair, and the guardian of the successful heir."

Captain Alick said this half defiantly, half apologetically, and kept his eye-resolutely upon Richard Merton's face.

It kept its impassive coldness. He was no longer to be startled into impolitic or undignified emotions.

"I am certain you don't mean your words as unkind as their real significance

implies. It's a long time since we have been together, Alick, and it's not often I get away from public business, say nothing of my own. Let's be good friends, if we can, Alick!"

So spoke this wily schemer, well knowing how deeply such a tone and thought would sink into the honest generous heart beside hira.

"Amen to that, Dick! What an old-time genial ring it has, when you call me Alick in that voice! It brings up the days when we were at school together, and when nothing in the world could make me so proud as a patronizing nod or wink from you. You were so much cleverer at books than I, Dick, you rogue; but when it came to wrestling or pulling the oars, I got ahead again, old boy. Our lives might have been mapped out then from those very traits. I hated deep problems heartily, and took to the water as naturally as a duck. Heigh ho! well, I have done some good in my line, while in the service. It's a question, though, if I should have been so snugly harbored in retirement, if I had depended upon my country's appreciation of my services. But I have always rejoiced heartily to see you mounting so steadily upward, and have been proud to know how quick you could unravel what seems to be such a hopeless snarl in the political affairs of the nation. Yes, yes, Dick, let's be friends always."

"How fast it is growing dark! Shall we try a cigar on the terrace? I'm sure you haven't given up your old sea habits, as regards a pipe."

"Not I. There's another old trick I cling to still, though I suppose Father Time will stiffen up my joints, pretty soon, so I must give it up. I take my morning swim just as regular on the lake over there, as I used to from the salt tide."

"You must find it irksome on chilly mornings," was the careless rejoinder.

"Not I. It renews my youth, freshens me, mind and body. It is one of my pet theories. Come, try it with me in the morning. I've a jaunty little boat I row out into the lake, just after the sun peeps up. It's better than wine to quicken the blood, when you come up tingling with your dive down into the cool freshness below, and inhale the reviving air."

The Honorable Richard shrugged his shoulders.

"Bah! it gives me a shiver to think of it. It is extremely imprudent. A man of your age diving like a boy! What if anything happened?"

"Pooh! I'm as good as half a dozen young men of the day. When I begin to feel old, I shall take Tim along with me, to pull me out of trouble. I'm good for some time yct. I had the cramp one morning, but I got back safe. Hillo, Tin! where are you? Go and bring me some of those choice cigars I keep out of the way of the rabble. You wont find their equal now, Dick. I bought them myself of an old Manilla merchant, on my last East Indian cruise. I am on the last thousand now, and they grow more and more choice."

Tim, a stout, stalwart fellow, bearing unmistakable evidences of his sea proclivities in his gait and sailor dress, darted out from his post in the corridor. A noble fellow was Tim, deserving something beyond casual notice, with a heart as brave and a soul as true as steel. He had entered the service of his beloved master when he was only simple Lieutenant Thurston, and he had never left him since by night or day, and never was simple nature more thoroughly spaniel-like in its devotedness than Tim's affection for Captain Alick. In the honest servant's eyes, that gentleman was not alone the best and kindest, but he was also the greatest man in the world.

Captain Alick was not a man to undervalue such faithful attachment. Tim was his right hand man, often his chosen confidant.

The two gentlemen paced to and fro with their cigars all the evening long. Genevieve, sitting at the dim library window, with her fair cheek pressed against the glass, could see the two forms passing backward and forward, the tall and slim, and the broad stout figure, and now and then came floating to her ear the mingling voices. Presently the glimmering spark which had accompanied them vanished. The cigars were finished.

They were coming in. The girl rose from her half-reclining position, shook out the folds of her white dress, and went to meet them, thinking perhaps they would like music. She came upon them just as they were halting beneath the effulgence of the hall lamp.

"I think I will go to my chamber, Alick.

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