Imatges de pàgina

ple are active, brave, and well armed. A handsome palace stands within the fortress, containing numerous apartments and a spacious hall of audience. On one side of the town an extensive sheet of water gives security; while on the opposite side, which is the weakest in artificial defences, a jungle extends nearly to the counterscarp of the ditch. The fortress was originally built by an enterprising Jaut, named Churamun, who had enriched himself by plundering the baggage of Aurungzebe's army, in his last march to the Deccan. After various changes in the state and opulence of Bhurtpore, it first became interesting, as connected with British politics, in 1803, when a treaty of perpetual friendship was concluded by lord Lake with Runjeet Sing, the rajah. This treaty the rajah shortly afterwards violated; and he openly supported Holkar. The consequence was, that lord Lake invested Bhurtpore; but from the want of the artillery and ammunition requisite for the siege of so strong a place, he was obliged to retreat, with a considerable loss both of troops and of fame. Runjeet Sing was succeeded by his son Bulder Sing. That prince finding his health on the decline, requested the British government to acknowledge his son, an infant six years of age,

as his heir apparent. The resident of Malwa and Rajpootana accordingly recognized the child with the usual formalities, about the beginning of February last. Scarcely had a month elapsed, when the rajah died at Goberdhun. His appointed successor was duly proclaimed; but the shouts, which hailed his opening career, were the signals for the explosion of private intrigue. A cousin of the young rajah, named Doorjun Lol, aided by a numerous gang of partisans, amongst whom were three regiments of regulars seduced from their allegiance, gained possession of the fort by blowing open one of the gates, and usurped the sovereign power. The rajah, with 500 soldiers of unshaken fidelity, retreated to the private apartments of the palace; and the rebels were deterred from attacking this asylum only by a threat of the old Ranee, to explode an extensive magazine of powder, if force were resorted to. Doorjun Lol was represented as being a few degrees above idiotism, which rendered him a convenient instrument for the aggrandizement of a younger brother, who was reputed to possess abilities and ambition unrestrained by principle.

Sir David Ochterlony took measures to repress the disorders which this usurpation produced.


FRANCE-Opening of the Session of the French Chambers-King's Speech-The Civil List-The Law for giving a Compensation to Emigrants-The Law for the future Regulation of the Sinking Fund, and for the Conversion of the Rentes into Three per Cent. Stock, and Four and a Half per Cent Stock-Partial Success of the Minister in the Conversion of the Rentes-The Budget-State of the Sinking Fund-Law of Sacrilege-State of the Clergy-Unsuccessful Prosecutions of Newspapers-Foreign Policy of the French Cabinet-Negotiations with Hayti-Ordinance of Recognition; acceptance of the Ordinance by Hayti-State of Hayti.


IVER since the apparently prosperous issue of the invasion of Spain in 1823-an invasion, the final consequences of which may yet be the subject of as much regret to France as to Spain-the government of the Bourbons had acquired more confidence. The people were gratified by the sight of a neighbouring country occupied by their armies; the shame of defeat seemed to be in some measure wiped away; and the administration became more popular on account of that very measure, which could not but have excited universal execration, if any accurate ideas of liberty had been incorporated with the public opinion, or if a love of liberty had formed any part of the national sentiment. The success of the ministers, in excluding their adversaries at the election of the deputies in the preceding year, had reduced the formal and apparent strength of the opposition almost to nothing; and though violent declamations against their plans were still heard from the few anti-ministerial orators who had a seat in the popular chamber, the self-called patriots found

few to join in their tirades either in the assembly, or in the country at large. The only obstacles that could stand in the way of ministerial projects, were looked for, not so much in the force, argument, or influence of the coté gauche, as in the dissentions of the cabinet or the imprudences of the Ultra-royalists.

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The commencement of the session of the Chambers was expected with considerable interest; for it was known that M. de Villèle had some important schemes in agitation, and the world was naturally curious to see in what tone the new sovereign would address the two legislative bodies. The session began on the 22nd of December, 1824. "Gentlemen," said the king to the two Chambers on that occasion, "the first impulse of my heart is to speak to you of my grief and of your own: we have lost a king wise and good, tenderly beloved by his family, venerated by his people, honoured and respected by all foreign governments. The glory of his reign will never be effaced. Not only did he re-establish the throne of my ancestors,

but he consolidated it by institutions which, bringing together and uniting the past with the present, have restored to France repose and happiness. The touching affliction which the whole nation felt at the last moments of the king, my brother, was to me the sweetest of all consolations; and I can say with truth, it was to this cause that I owe the power of fully enjoying the confidence with which my accession to the throne has been received. This confidence shall not be disappointed. Gentlemen, I know all the duties which royalty imposes on me; but strong in my love for the people, I hope, with the aid of God, to have the courage and firmness necessary for their due fulfilment."

"I announce to you with pleasure that the dispositions of foreign governments have experienced no change, and leave me no doubt respecting the maintenance of those friendly relations which subsist between them and myself. The spirit of conciliation and prudence which animates them, gives to the nations the strongest guarantee which they ever have had, against the return of those troubles by which they were for so long a time desolated. I shall neglect nothing to maintain that happy agreement which is its fruit. With this object it was, that I consented to prolong still further the stay in Spain of a part of the troops which my son had left there after a campaign, which, both as a Frenchman and a father, I may call glorious. A recent convention has regulated the conditions of this temporary measure in such manner as to conciliate the interests of the two monarchies.

"The just security, which our foreign relations give us, will favour the developement of our internal

prosperity. I will second this salutary movement, gentlemen, by causing to be successively proposed to you the melioration required by the sacred interests of religion, and by the most important parts of our legislation. The king, my brother, found a great consolation in preparing the means of closing the last wounds of the Revolution. The moment has arrived to execute the wise designs which he had conceived. The situation of our finances will permit the accomplishment of this great act of justice and of policy without augmenting the imposts, without injuring public credit, without retrenching any part of the funds destined to the different branches of the public service. These results, perhaps beyond expectation, gentlemen, are due to the order established with your concurrence in the fortune of the State, and to the peace which we enjoy. I entertain a firm confidence that you will enter into my views, and that this restorative order will be completed by a perfect harmony of will between you and myself. I have resolved that the ceremony of my consecration shall terminate the first session of my reign. You will assist, gentlemen, at that august solemnity. There, prostrated at the foot of the same altar where Clovis received the sacred unction, and in presence of him who judges nations and kings, I will renew the oath to maintain and cause to be observed the laws of the State, and the institutions granted by the king my father; I will thank divine Providence for having deigned to make use of me in order to repair the last misfortunes of my people; and I will beseech the Almighty to continue to protect that beauteous France which I am proud of governing."


On the 3rd of January, the minister brought forward three measures of the greatest importThe first related to the settlement of the civil list: The second proposed a plan for indemnifying the emigrants or the royalist proprietors who suffered by the excesses of the Revolution: The third was a scheme for the conversion of the five per cents into a lower denomination of stock. By the law respecting the civil list, the property acquired by the late king, and undisposed of, as well as some private property of the reigning king, were added to the endowment of the Crown.

The civil list was fixed for the life of Charles 10th, at 25 millions of francs, to be paid annually to the orders of the minister of the household: and there were also to be paid seven millions annually as an appanage to the princes and and princesses of the royal family. The property restored to the house of Orleans, in execution of the royal ordinances of May 18 and 20, and Sept. 17, and Oct. 7, 1824, and arising from the appanage created in 1661, 1672, and 1692, in favour of the brother of Louis 14th, and his descendants in the male line, was to continue to be possessed on the same title and condition, by the head of the branch of Orleans, till the extinction of the male line, and was then to return to the State.

A sum of six millions was appropriated for the expenses of the obsequies of the late king, and the coronation of the reigning king.

The second projét was presented by M. la Martignac, and was entitled "Draught of law on the indemnity to be granted to the former proprietors of real property (biens-fondés) confiscated and sold

for the profit of the State, in execution of the laws concerning emigrants."

For property sold, the indemnity was to be an amount of three per cent stock, equal to twenty times the rental ascertained by the procesverbaux of adjudication: and where the rental was not estimated, equal to the amount of sale, making allowance for the depreciation of assignats.

Where the relatives in the ascending line bought the property, or the former proprietors or their representatives had repurchased, the indemnity was to be fixed at the real amount of the prices so paid.

The rentes given as an indemnity, were to be delivered to the former proprietors or their representatives, by fifths, in five years, to bear interest from the time of the delivery: and for this purpose a credit of 30 millions of rentes was to be placed at the disposal of the minister of finance, to be inscribed, six millions of it, on the 22nd of June, 1825; six millions on the 22nd of June, 1826; six millions on the 22nd of June, 1827; six millions on the 22nd of June, 1828; six millions on the 22nd of June, 1829; with the dividends from the respective days appointed for the inscription. Claims were to be preferred within a year, by persons resident in France; within eighteen months by persons in other parts of Europe; and within two years, by persons not in Europe.

The third scheme proposed was, by the modification of the sinking fund, to provide means for supplying this compensation to the emigrants, without adding to the public burdens, and at the same time to lower the annual charge of the national debt, so as to enable the minister to diminish some of

the taxes. It began with declaring that-The rentes acquired by the sinking fund from its establishment up to the 22nd of June, 1825, should not be annihilated nor diverted from their application to the purchase of the public debt before the 22nd of June, 1830: but the rentes, which should be acquired by the sinking fund from the 22nd of June, 1825, to the 22nd of June, 1830, were to be cancelled for the benefit of the State, as they were purchased, and also the coupons of interest attached to them; and after the 22nd March, 1825, the sums accruing from the sinking fund were not to be applied to the purchase of public stock, when the price was above par. This was the first part of the law. The other partof it provided thatthe proprietors of 5 per cent rentes should have, till the 22nd of June, 1825, the faculty of demanding from the Ministry of Finance their conversion into 3 per cent rentes, at the price of 75, and till the 22nd of September, 1825, the faculty of requiring their conversion into 4 per cent stock at par, with a guarantee in both cases against being paid off till the 22nd of September, 1835.

The rentes so converted were to continue to bear interest at 5 per cent, till the 22nd of December,


The sums arising from the diminution in the annual charge of the debt were to be applied to the reduction, from the year 1826 of the land-tax, poll-tax, and taxes on moveables, doors, and windows (contributions fonciere, personelle, mobiliaire, et des portes et fenetres).

The settlement of the civil list did not produce much discussion: the law of indemnification, on the contrary, gave rise to great variety

of opinion. Some dissented from the principle of the measure as too anti-revolutionary; others conceived that it did not go far enough; the ultra royalists thought, that the emigrants were only half compensated, if what they received was not taken from those who had been gainers by their spoils; and all who disliked the financial alteration with which it was coupled, wished for its failure. The debates, though protracted, were of little interest; and M. de Villèle carried his scheme triumphantly through both chambers. The most strenuous opposition which was made to it, was upon an amendment proposed by M. Roy, the late minister of Finance. He moved to substitute the sum of 37,000,000 of francs arising from a five per cent stock, as the amount of the indemnity, instead of the 30,000,000 from a three per cent stock. This amendment was lost, after a long discussion, by a majority of 27 against 100.

After the law was passed, the king appointed a commission, who were to investigate the demands of those who claimed compensation, and to determine what sum ought to be allotted to each. The commission was sub-divided into five sections; each consisting of five members, and charged with the liquidation of the claims in a certain number of departments. The Marshal Duke of Tarentum was President. Count Mollien, president of the commission of superintendence of the Caisse d' Amortissement, Messrs. Olivier and Leroy, of the chamber of Deputies, and Baron Guilhermi, president of one of the chambers of the Court of Accompts, were among the members.

M. de Villèle was equally suc

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