THE Monthly Chronologer. N Tuesday, Jan. 29, bis majesty continuing governor, Peter Burrell, Esq; was re-elected fub-governor, and John Bristow, Efq; deputy governor, of the South Sea company. And on the 31st the following gentlemen were chofen directors of the said company, viz. Richard Baker, Thomas le Blanc, Jonathan Collyer, Samuel Craghead, John Edwards, Francis Fauquier, Francis Gashry, Jofeph Gulfton, jun. Richard Hall, Jofiah Hardy, Richard Jackson, Thomas Lane, James Lock, Sydenham Malthus, Henry Muilman, Nathaniel Paice, John Phillipfon, Richard Salwey, Samuel Smith, John Warde, John Wenham, Robert Wylde, Thomas Coventrye, Brice Fisher, Tilman Henckell, John Smith, Thomas Strode, John Torriano, Walter Vane, and Lewis Way, Efqrs. The last eight in the room of Sir Charles Egleton, Knt. Joseph Fawthorp, George Jennings, Roger Mainwaring, Robert Lovick, Efqrs. who went out by rotation; and Jof. Adams, John Coke, and Thomas Swayne, Efqrs. who are dead. The fame day came on the election for a member to represent the university of Oxford in parliament, in the room of lord Cornbury, called up to the house of peers, when the numbers were, For Sir Roger Newdigate The Hon. Robert Harley, Efq; Sir Edward Turner 184 126 67 Whereupon Sir Roger Newdigate was declared duly elected.. From Vienna we had an account, that above three parts of the city Fiume had been swallowed up by an earthquake, with most of the churches, convents, and warehoufes, whereby the merchants and traders in Iftria were ruined. During the earthquake, the fea overflowed a little ifland near Fiume, and all the inhabitants perished: The next day, tho' the fea was very calm, not the leaft veftiges of that ifland could be seen so that they prefume its subaqueous communication with the continent was broke off by the violence of the earthquake. FRIDAY, Feb. 1. Information having been given to justice Fielding of a number of people, who frequented a noted gaming-houfe in the Strand, he, this evening, fent for a party of foldiers (in number 40) from the Tiltyard, with a proper officer, who accordingly befet the house, but finding their number infufficient to secure them all, they were obliged to fend for a reinforcement from the Savoy and Somerset-house, which made up the number about 80. They then proceeded to business, when fix foldiers and a ferjeant entered the room, where the gamblers were affembled, with their bayonets fixed, and penned them up in a corner, till the reft came in and fecured them. The method the fficer took, was this: Each prifoner was put into the cuftody of a foldier, and both their names were entered down, fo that the foldiers were each of them obliged to fee his man forth coming, and the remaining party guarded them before and behind ; and in this manner they were carried before justice Fielding, who was till two o'clock the next morning examining them, when 30 were fent to the Gatehouse, and fix admitted to hail. During their march feveral of the prisoners offered the foldiers five guineas each to let them escape, but they were true to their truft, and not one got off. There were three tables broken to pieces, which coft near bol. apiece, under each of which were found two iron rollers, and two private springs, which those who were in the secret could touch, and stop the torn-about whenever they had any youngsters to deal with, and by that means fleeced them of their money. Letters from Dublin, of the ad inftant, bring advice, that the verdict and judgment obtained on the famous trial in the court of Exchequer by the Hon. James Annesley, Esq; against his uncle, Richard earl of Anglesey, was, on Jan. 28, affirmed in favour of Mr. Annesley, in the court of Exchequer chamber; and the writ of error brought by his lordship on that occafion so long ago as Nov. 1743, to stop further proceedings, was fet afide. (See a particular account of the trial in our Mag. for 1744, p. 30-34, &c. 486491.) TUESDAY, 5. A proclamation was published, offering the following rewards for the discovery of the author, printers and publishers of the Constitutional Queries, dec. to be paid on conviction, viz. for the author thereof 1cool. for each of the printers 2001. and for each of the fublishers gol. for the payment of whick faid feveral rewards, his majesty gave neceffary orders to the lords commiffioners of his treasury. (See p. 43.) WEDNESDAY, 6. Was held a general court of the SouthSca 1751. The MONTHLY CHRONOLOGER. Sea company, when several proposals were offered for paying off the old and new unfubfcribed annuities of the said company; and after some hours debate, that called the proprietors proposal was approved of by the faid court, in order to its being presented to parliament. (See p. 42.) FRIDAY, 8. Was held a court of common-council at Guildhall, when a motion was made and paffed, That the town-clerk do wait on the Right Rev. the lord bishop of Worcefter, with the thanks of that court for his excellent fermon against the exceffive use of spirituous liquore, preached before the lord-mayor, aldermen, and governors of the 'everal hofpitals of this city, on Easter-Monday last; a copy of which his lordship had fent to every member of the faid court. (See p. 83.) Another motion was made, and unanimoufly agreed to, to petition the Hon. house of commons, to apply fuch remedy, as to their wisdom shall feem moft proper, to prevent that pernicious practice. A motion was alío made, that 2801 per ann. should be added to racl. the antient falary of the recorder, and paid to Richard Adams, Eiq; the prefent recorder of this city, as long as he shall continue in the faid office, unless he small be hereafter made a judge of any of his majesty's courts, or accept of the office of attorney or folicitor general; and in that cafe the faid grant of 2801. is to cease; and the question being put, it passed unanimoufly in the affirmative. The recorder being then called in, returned his thanks to the court for so diftinguishing a mark of their approbation of his conduct. MONDAY, II. Of the 13 malefactors condemned the laft feffions at the Old-Bailey, (fee p. 43.) the to following were this day executed at Tyburn, viz. Field, Vincent, Parfons, Sullivan, Applegarth, Sauce, Davis, Clements, Wesley and Smith. They were carried in four carts: Vincent, Clements and Wefley, three boys, went in the first, Smith and Davis in the second, Applegarth and Sauce in the third, and Field, Sullivan and Parfons in the last. Field had irons on for fear of a rescue. They in general behaved in a decent manner, becoming perfons under their unhappy circumstances, but particularly Parfons, who, tho' he had been so long in prafon, still retained the appearance of a gentleman, and feemed to be duly affected with the near profpect of a future ftate. Dun and Hughes are to be tranfported for life, and Farris for 14 years. TUESDAY, 12. A ballot being demanded upon the queftion at the South-Sea house, upon cafting it up this night, the numbers were, for the question 385, against it 286, 91 The Westminster petition, which was presented to the house of commons on the 28th ult. (fee p. 43.) did not come to a hearing. Complaints had been made againft fome perfons for misbehaviour at the election, and two of them were fent to Newgate. Soon after which the petitioners (hought fit to withdraw their petition. TUESDAY, 19. At a court of common council at Guildhal, a motion was made and agreed to, for petitioning the Hon. house of commons against the bill for a general naturalization of foreign protestants. WEDNESDAY, 20. A great number of failors affembled in a tumultuous manner in Bartholomew-lane, behind the Royal Exchange, from a miftaken notion of an advertisement inferted in the papers, in expectation of receiving 51. per man, as bounty money, for the taking our enemies ships of war and privateers, at the Fountain tavern in Bartholomew-lane; but being disappointed, they entered the house, seized the fuppofed author of the advertisement, put him in a coach, and carried him in triumph, guarded by fome hundreds of their fraternity, to the Admiralty office; but being Afh-wed. nesday, there was no board; they afterwards conducted him to St. James's, where they were refused admittance; on which they went to justice Fielding, who told them the affair was not cognizable belore him, as it was tranfacted in the city, and therefore recommended them to the lordmayor, whither they accordingly went, and his lordship committed the man to Newgate, from whence he was foon difcharged But a false report being spread, that their money was at Mr. Belchier's in Lombard-Areet, they affembled in a tu. multuous manner before the faid house, (which obliged several bankers and tradefmen to shut up their shops) and continued in fo riotous a manner, that alderman Winterbottom was defired to read the proclamation against rioters twice, from a window at the Crown and Anchor in the same street; during which time the lordmayor had fent for two companies of foldiers, the one from the Tower and the other from the Savoy, to prevent any difturbance. Thomas Smith, one of the ringleaders, was taken into custody for infuiting the alderman in his office, and fent to Newgate, guarded by a file of musqueteers, who were ordered back to the Royal-Exchange, to continue there till twelve o'clock at night, and then to be difcharged, if there was no appearance of disorder. At a general court of the South-Sea company, it was refolved, That the refolution agreed to at the last general court, is not intended nor shall be deemed to relate to, or any way affect, the claim this company hath M2 on 92 MARRIAGES, DEATHS, &c. on the publick, in respect to any of their demands on the crown of Spain, ceded by his majefty for the peace and tranquillity of this nation. Resolved, that this general court doth impower the court of directors to lay the refolution which passed in the last general court, together with that paffed in this general court, before the gentlemen in the administration; and that they purfue all the means neceffary for carrying the same into execution. THURSDAY, 21. The theriffs of London and Middlesex presented to the Hon. house of commons, the petition of the common-council, praying that fome remedy may be applied to prevent the pernicious use of spirituous liquors; and also their petition against the bill for naturalizing foreign proteftants. At a general court of the Bank it was agreed to lend the government all the money they shall want over and above what is to be raised by lottery and annuities, on the fame terms as they lent the million lait year: Which fum will amount to upwards of zoo,cool. FRIDAY, 22. The birth-day of her royal highness, Mary princess of Heffe, his majesty's fourth daughter, was celebrated; when her royal highness entered into the 30th year of her age. MONDAY, 25. A bill for altering our Stile to that of the New Stile, which is certainly nearer to the true course of the fun, by three days in 4.00 years, was brought into the house of lords, and the further confideration of it was put off to March 11. In the scheme for the new lottery, are two prizes of 10,000l. four of 5,000l. five of 3,000l. eight of 2,00ol. twenty of 1,oool. and forty-one of 500l. befides the first drawn 500, and the last drawn 1000. There are 70,000 tickets in the whole; fix blanks to a prize ; and each blank vaJued at fix pounds. Alterations in the List of Parliament. XFORD university. Sir Roger Newdigate, Bart. in the room of Lord Vifcount Cornbury, called up by writ to the house of peers. (See p. 45.) Wareham, Dorsetshire. Henry Drax, Esq; fecretary to his royal highness the prince of Wales, in the room of John Pitt, Esq; who accepted of a place, and is now member for Dorchester. Heytefbury, Wilts. Col. William Acourt, in the room of Wm. Ashe, Esq; deceased Dorchester town. John Pitt, and Jofeph Damer, Esqrs. in the room of John Browne, Esq; an eminent counsellor, deceafed, and Nathaniel Gundry, Efq; made a judge. Feb. Edinburghshire. James Balfour, Efq; in the room of Sir Charles Gilmour, Bart. deceased. MARRIAGES and BIRTUS. Jan. 28. 23.S1 Stirling. 1 R. James Stirling, of Glorat, in Scotland, bart. to Mifs Feb. 9. James Tillard, Esq; to Mifs Clayton of Red-Lion-street. 12. James Bouchier, Efq; to Miss Hannah Clempion. 15. Mr. Hyde, an eminent Dyer in Spittlefields, to Mifs Amey Monfen, only daughter and heiress of Charles Monfon, Efq of Melcombe Regis, a 15,000l. fortune... 18. Edward Bearcroft, Efq; a gentleman of a large estate in Hertiordihire, to Mifs Sufannah Ambrofe, a 10,001. fortune. John Snow, Efq; of Trinity college, Cambridge, to Miss Childs, only.doughter of Thomas Childs, of Framingham in Suffolk, a 12,000l, fortune. 19. John Mackrill, of Bermondseystreet, Southwark, Eiq; to Mils Gustright, a 25,000l. fortune. John Shaw, of Cheshunt in Hertfordshire, Eiq; to Mifs Huxley. Rev. Mr. John Wesley, to Mrs. Vazel, of Threadneedle-street, a widow lady of a large forture.. 22. Rt. Hon. the earl of Egremont, to Miss Carpenter, fifter to the Rt. Hon. the lord Carpenter. Jan. 29. The lady of the Rt. Hon. the lord Romney, delivered of a daughter. Feb. 4. The lady of the Rt. Hon. the lord Broke of a ton. 14. Countess of Winchellea and Nottingham, of a daughter. 15. The lady of commodore Mitchell, of a fon. Jan. 25. M DEATHS. RS. Gumley, mother to the 28. Rev. and learned William Reynolds, B. D. fellow of Exeter college, Oxford, and chief tutor there, alfo rector of Bampton in Oxfordshire, the most confiderable living in that county. Feb. 2. Thomas Borret, Efq; one of the prothonotaries of the court of Commonpleas. 3. Mr. Thomas Pratt, in Southwark, aged 107, who had been a cobler there upwards of 60 years, and by his industry and economy acquired upwards of 300l. in money, which he left to his neice, now a fervant at the Rose in Bermondsey street. 5. Dr. Hall, physician to the Charterhouse. 1 1751. DEATHS, PROMOTIONS, &c. 9. Lieut. general Borgard, an old experienced officer, in the 95th year of his age. 13. John Skynner, Esq; eldest clerk under the comptrollers of his majesty's board of Green-cloth, and chief clerk of the Poultry-office. Charles Maitland, Esq; member in the present parliament for the burghs of Aberdeen, Inverray, Montross, Aber brothwick and Brechin. 15. Mr. Thomas Howard, a gentleman 18. Lieut. general Peter Campbell, lieut. Rev. Richard Mee, D. D. who had 20. Thomas Brydges, Esq; one of the Ax clerks in Chancery. PROMOTIONS Civil and Military. 93 Powlett, knight of the Bath, made col. of the reg. of dragoons, late Naizon's; and the Hon. John Waldegrave, Esq; col. of the reg. of foot, late Powlett'ss -Frederick Frankland, Esq; made major in the second reg. of dragoon guards, commanded by Sir John Ligonier; Charles Roper, Esq; eldeft captain, Purbeck Langham, Efq; fecond capt. Hon. James So merville, Efq; third capt. William Arnott, Elq; capt. lieut. Edmund Cox, gent. lieutenant, and Mr. Jofeph Gabbot Cornet in the faid regiment.-Right Hon. Thomas earl of Pomfret, made ranger and keeper of St. James's park. (See p. 45.)-Capt. Forbes, made a major, and lieut. Marshal a captain in the royal reg. of dragoons.-John Enys, of Enys in Cornwall, Esq; appointed by his royal highnefs the prince of Wales to be sheriff of that county for the year enfuing.Nicholas Vaux, Esq; made capt. lieut. and lieut. Field, capt, in the train of artillery at Woolwich. Hales, Efq; fon of Sir Thomas Hales, made one of the clerks of the board of Green-cloth, and clerk of the Poultry office, in the room of John Skynner, Efq; deceafed. Benjamin Keene, Efq; appointed his majesty's ambaffador extraordinary and minifter pleniinfpec-potentiary to his catholick majesty. Hon. Richard Maynard, Esq; made deputy fecretary to his royal highness the prince of Wales. William Purcas, of the MiddleTemple, Efq; made one of the fix clerks in chancery.-General St. Clair, made governor of Cork in Ireland.-Lieut. general Sir Philip Honeywood, made col. of the blue guards, in the room of the late duke of Richmond.-Sir John Ligonier, made col. of Honeywood's reg. of horfe; lord vifc. Tyrawley col. of Ligonier's Irish dragoons; col. Leighton, col. of the reg. of foot, late Hargrave's, deceased.-Capt. Taylor, made major to Leighton's reg. at Gibralter. Alice Wife, at York, aged 108, commonl, known by the name of dutchefs Dalton: Her defire was to have as many invited to her funeral as the was years old, and accordingly that number of her acquaintance accompanied her corpfe to the grave. 25. John Gough, Efq; principal tor of the inland duties of excife. M re Ecclefiaftical PREFERMENTS. T Perfons declar'd BANKRUPTS. Homas Yeldal of London, mercer.George Wright, of Clapham in Surry, victualler.-Richard Box, late of Bristol, dealer.-Stephen Jephs, of Norwich, weaver, woolfactor and innholder.-Richard Sture, of Plymouth, merchant, grocer, and dealer in fpirituous liquors.-John Pearson, of King's Lynn in Norfolk, ship-builder and dealer in timber.-Henry Finch, of St. Clement's, East cheap, London, victualler-William Frood, of Liverpool, mercer. - William Lefsly, of St. Botolph, without Aldgate, mariner and merchant. - John Watkins, late of St. Luke's, Middlesex, glover. PRICES 1747. 1 103 A 102 100 102 202 2135 112 103 102 100-101 102 102 3 Sunday 9136 103 102 101 102 102 10 Sunday PRICES of STOCKS in FEBRUARY, BILL of MORTALITY, &c. BANK INDIA (South Sea South Sea South Sea 4 per Cent. 14 per Cent. Bank An. 13 percent. India Bonds B.Cir. pr. Wind at Westber BILL of Mortality from STOCK. STOск. Ѕтоск. Annu.old 1746. 4136 184 112 51354136 8 1364 185 7878 1748-9. B. Aonu. præm. Deal. London. Jan. 22. to Feb. 19. N. E. hard froft 10 and 20- 59 20 and 30-368 93 98 B. by N. cold thaw Chrift. 2 Femal. Male 5911182 98 41. 35 2 E. by S. E. by N. froft hard froft Buried Males 10492 Femal. 10782127 98 froft fair Died under 2 years old 687 98 41. 38 2 2 t N. E. froft fnow Between 2 and 5-135 98 41. 25 2 6 E. by S. froft fair 5 and 10 3 98 95 31. 185 22 6 S. W. troft thaw W. S. W. 31 136 frofty 185 30 and 40-228 12 136 cold thaw 40 and 50-241 4 185 112 103 FOI102 101 102 7 102 98 40 and 60-223 13 136 185 111112 103 102 101 102 102 98 31. 195 2 5 W. wind rain 60 and 70-185 34 136 1854 110 98 15136 16 136 31. 188 2 5 W. N. W. cold rain 70 and 80-110 186 110 103 102 101 102 102 98 41. 2 5 C N. W. rainy 80 and go一 50 2 186 1104 103 102 101 102 101 B 98 41. 25 C N. by E. fair 37 Sunday 90 and 100 10 S. W. mifling 18 137 186 1 110 103 102 101 102 31 102동 98 41. 45 2 7 6 2127 S. W. clou, mild 1024 98 4 41. 2 7 W. S. W. windy Within the Walls 166 103 102 101 102 21 1374137 1864187 102 홈 98 4. 58 2 7 W. misling 110 102 101 102 4 102 98 41. 58 2 7 6S. W. by S rain 22 137 187 103 102 101 102 IC2 98 41. 58 2 6 7 S. W. fair 23 1104 103 ΙΟΙ 102 102 98 24 Sunday 41. s 2 10 N. E. rain Feb. 5-540 186 1 110 103 27 136 186 1 102 101 102 102 98 566 110 103 102 101 102 首 98 41. 4s 210 S. W. ftormy 19 28 136 186 110 103 102 101 102 102 93 41. 58 2 10 W. S. W. cloudy 2127 LOTTERY TICKETS, 1751, 111. 55 a 45. 6d, all. 36. 6d. Wheaten Peck Loaf 18. 94. |