Nine years!' cries he, who, high in Drury Lane, Lull'd by soft zephyrs through the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends, Obliged by hunger, and request of friends: 'The piece, you think, is incorrect? why take it, I'm all submission;... The Art of Speaking: Containing. An Essay, in which are Given Rules for ... - Pągina 125per James Burgh - 1804 - 291 pąginesVisualització completa - Sobre aquest llibre
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 288 pągines
...your piece nine years." Nine years ! cries he, who high in Drury-lane, Lull'd by foft Zephyrs thro' the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends, Oblig'd by hunger, and requeft of friends : VARIATIONS. VER. 29. in the iftEd. Dear Doctor, tell me,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1751 - 286 pągines
...your piece nine years/' Nine years ! cries he, who high in Drury-lane, LulTd by foft Zephyrs thro' the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends^ Oblig'd by hunger, and requeft of friends : VARIATIONS. VER. 29. in the ift Ed. Dear Doftor, tell me,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1752 - 434 pągines
...your piece nine years." Nine years ! cries he, who high in Drury-lane* Lull'd by foft Zephyrs thro' the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before 'term ends, Oblig'd by hunger, and requeft of friends : " The piece, you think, is incorrect ? why take it, 4 5... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1754 - 278 pągines
...your :piece :rune yearsl" Nine years ! cries he, who high in Drury-lane, Loll'd by foft Zephyrs thro' the broken pane, , .' . Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends, Oblig'd by hunger, and requeft of friends : » " The piece, you think, is incorreft ? why take it,... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1777 - 264 pągines
...your piece nine years." Nine years ! eries he, who high in Drury-lane, L-ull'd by foft Zephyrs thro' the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends, Oblig'd by hunger, and requeft of friend* : " The piece, you think, is incorrect ! why take it, " I'm... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 392 pągines
...counfel, " Keep your piece nine years." 40 Nine years ! cries he, who high in Drury-lane, Lull'd by foft Zephyrs through the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends, Oblig'd by hunger, and requeft of friends : " The piece, you think, is incorreft ? why take it, 45... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1783 - 324 pągines
...counfel, " Keep your piec.e nine years." "- Nine years I " cries he, who high in Drurylane, Lull'd by foft Zephyrs through the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Terjn ends, Oblig'd by hunger, and requeft of friends : " The piece, you think, is incorrect? why take... | |
 | William Scott - 1789 - 414 pągines
...Keep your piece nine years," — " Nine years !-' (cries he, who, high in Drury-Lane, Lull'd by foft zephyrs through the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before term endf, Oblig'd by hanger — and requeft of friends); •" The yiece, you think, is incorrect. Why,... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 398 pągines
...counfel, " Keep your piece nine years." 40 Nine years ! cries he, who high in Drury-lane, .Lull'd by foft Zephyrs through the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends, Oblig'd by hunger, and requeft of friends : " The piece, you think, is incorreft? why take it; 45 "... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 pągines
...yourpiecc nine years.' Nine years ! cries he, who high in Drury-lanc, Lull'd by foft zephyrs thro' the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before term ends, Obug'd by hunger, and rcqueft of friends : ' The piece, you think, is mcorrcir. ? why take it, •... | |
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