The Art of Speaking: Containing. An Essay, in which are Given Rules for Expressing Properly the Principal Passions and Humours, which Occur in Reading, Or Public Speaking. And Lessons, Taken from the Ancients and Moderns; Exhibiting a Variety of Matter for Practice; the Emphatical Words Printed in Italics; with Notes of Direction Referring to the Essay ...S. Butler, 1804 - 291 pàgines |
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Pàgina 37
... ghost . The arms of the preacher are not to be needlessly thrown out , as if he were drowning in the pulpit ; or brandished , after the manner of the ancient pugiles , or boxers , exercising themselves by fight- ing with their own ...
... ghost . The arms of the preacher are not to be needlessly thrown out , as if he were drowning in the pulpit ; or brandished , after the manner of the ancient pugiles , or boxers , exercising themselves by fight- ing with their own ...
Pàgina 96
... ghost ( 2 ) before my sight appears ; ** Shrouded in blood he stood , and bath'd in tears Such as when by the fierce Pelides slain , Thessalian coursers dragg'd him o'er the plain . Swoln were his feet , as when the thongs were Through ...
... ghost ( 2 ) before my sight appears ; ** Shrouded in blood he stood , and bath'd in tears Such as when by the fierce Pelides slain , Thessalian coursers dragg'd him o'er the plain . Swoln were his feet , as when the thongs were Through ...
Pàgina 97
... two lines , and the ghost's speech , are to be spoken in a deep and hollow voice , slowly and folemnly , with little rifing or falling , and a torpid inertia of action . Directing . 1 ( 1 ) He said , and brought , from LESSONS . 97.
... two lines , and the ghost's speech , are to be spoken in a deep and hollow voice , slowly and folemnly , with little rifing or falling , and a torpid inertia of action . Directing . 1 ( 1 ) He said , and brought , from LESSONS . 97.
Pàgina 144
... ghost as soon as Cæsar . Wonder . Now in the names of all the gods at once , Contempt . Upon what meat doth this our Cæsar feed , That he is grown so great ? Age thou art sham'd ; Rome , thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods . When ...
... ghost as soon as Cæsar . Wonder . Now in the names of all the gods at once , Contempt . Upon what meat doth this our Cæsar feed , That he is grown so great ? Age thou art sham'd ; Rome , thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods . When ...
Pàgina 162
... ghost - Thou sound and firm - set earth , Hear not my steps , which way they walk , for fear The very stones should prate of royal blood Soon to be spilt . [ Shakesp . MACBETH . ] LVI . AFFECTION . JOY . FEAR OF OF- FENDING . GRATITUDE ...
... ghost - Thou sound and firm - set earth , Hear not my steps , which way they walk , for fear The very stones should prate of royal blood Soon to be spilt . [ Shakesp . MACBETH . ] LVI . AFFECTION . JOY . FEAR OF OF- FENDING . GRATITUDE ...
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The Art of Speaking: Containing, an Essay, in which are Given Rules for ... James Burgh Visualització completa - 1804 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
Accufing Adviſing Affectation Alarm Anger anguish Anxiety Apology Apprehen arms Authority Bevil blood body breast Caius Verres Complaint Contempt countenance countrymen Courage daugh daughter dead death defence demnation Demosthenes Diodotus Doubt ducats earth enemy Exciting express expreſſed eyes father favour fear gentleman Ghost give gods Greece Grief hand happiness hear heart heaven honour honour's worship hope Horror Humph Iago imagine Intreating Jugurtha king Longh look Lord Majesty mankind manner matter Merc mercy Micipsa mind mouth Narration nature Nick Bottom orator Othello passions patricians person Peter Quince phatical Pity Pray preachers pretend pride Queſtion Quin Quintilian Remonftr Reproof Reſpect Roman Scythians shame shew Shyl Shylock Sicily soul speak speaker speech ſpoken Styx Submiffion Surpriſe thee thing thou thought thousand guineas tion utter Vexation virtue voice Volsci whole Wonder words
Passatges populars
Pàgina 122 - It must be so — Plato, thou reasonest well ; Else whence this pleasing hope, this fond desire, This longing after immortality ? Or whence this secret dread, and inward horror, Of falling into nought ? Why shrinks the soul Back on herself, and startles at destruction ? Tis the divinity that stirs within us ; 'Tis heaven itself, that points out an hereafter, And intimates eternity to man ! Eternity ! thou pleasing, dreadful thought ! Through what variety of untried being, Through what new scenes...
Pàgina 166 - It must not be; there is no power in Venice Can alter a decree established: 'Twill be recorded for a precedent; And many an error, by the same example, Will rush into the state: it cannot be.
Pàgina 173 - I stand in pause where I shall first begin, And both neglect. What if this cursed hand Were thicker than itself with brother's blood, Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens To wash it white as snow?
Pàgina 143 - Cassius, now Leap in with me into this angry flood, And swim to yonder point ? ' Upon the word, Accoutred as I was, I plunged in And bade him follow : so indeed he did. The torrent roar'd, and we did buffet it With lusty sinews, throwing it aside And stemming it with hearts of controversy ; But ere we could arrive the point proposed, Caesar cried ' Help me, Cassius, or I sink...
Pàgina 143 - As a sick girl. Ye gods ! it doth amaze me A man of such a feeble temper should So get the start of the majestic world And bear the palm alone.
Pàgina 161 - Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?
Pàgina 167 - Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh; But, in the cutting it, if thou dost shed One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods Are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate Unto the state of Venice.
Pàgina 125 - Nine years!' cries he, who, high in Drury Lane, Lull'd by soft zephyrs through the broken pane, Rhymes ere he wakes, and prints before Term ends, Obliged by hunger, and request of friends: 'The piece, you think, is incorrect? why take it, I'm all submission; what you'd have it, make it.
Pàgina 123 - To whom the goblin full of wrath replied. «Art thou that traitor- Angel, art thou He> Who first broke peace in Heaven ; and faith, till then Unbroken, and in proud rebellious arms Drew after him the third part of Heaven's sons...
Pàgina 122 - Here will I hold. If there's a power above us (And that there is, all Nature cries aloud Through all her works), he must delight in virtue ; And that which he delights in must be happy.