THE VOICE OF GOD TO THE HEART OF HIS SERVANTS WHO ASPIRE TO PERFECTION. BY THE REV. J. PERRY. "Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth."-1 Kings iii. 10. London: PUBLISHED BY S. PERRY, 37, RED LION SQUARE; AND AND ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1846. PREFACE. THE following Meditations and Considerations, which are in part taken from a small Latin Work of R. P. Daniel Pawlowski, O. S. J., are arranged according to the plan of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola: although not expressly divided into weeks and days, like his Spiritual Exercises; because the chief intention of the Writer is, to present a book for daily meditation, one subject to be taken for each successive day, until all of them have been meditated. The subjects are, however, so chosen and arranged, that they may be used for a Spiritual Retreat, by making the first Meditation, and reading the first Consideration, on the Eve of the Retreat; and then three Meditations, with the following Consideration, on each of the succeeding days. The Ejaculation, placed at the head of each subject, is intended to be occasionally repeated, from the time when you prepare for that meditation to which it is prefixed, until you prepare for the next. |