THE Parliamentary Register; OR HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS; CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF The most interesting SPEECHES and MOTIONS; accurate DURING THE SECOND SESSION of the FIFTEENTH PARLIAMENT O.F GREAT-BRIΤΑΙΝ. VOL. VI. LONDON: Printed for J. DEBRETT, (Successor to Mr. ALMON) apposite BURLINGTON-HOUSE, PICCADILY. MDCCLXXXII. THIRD REPORT, (being a SUPPLEMENT to the FIRST and SECOND) from the COMMITTEE of SECRECY, &c. The Committee of Secrecy, appointed to enquire into the Causes of the War that now fubfifts in the Carnatic, and of the present Condition of the British Possessions in those Parts, and to report the fame to the House, with their Obfervations thereupon; and who were instructed to enquire into the Rise, Progress, Conduct, and present State of the Maratta War, and all other Hoftilities in which the Presidency of Bengal now are or have been engaged in the Support of that War, and of the Effects which the faid War and Hostilities may have produced in Bengal, and the other Settlements and Possessions of the East-India Company: AVING been furnished with some additional Materials respecting the Subject Matter of the First and Second Reports, since they were directed by the House, at the Commencement of the present Seffion of Parliament, to resume their Enquiries, have thought it their Duty to lay before the House the Substance of those additional Materials, by Way of Supplement to their former Reports, following the fame Arrangement according to which the several Subjects were originally treated; and subjoining to their former Appendixes the Papers and Examinations from which this Supplement is compiled. VOL. VI. |