THE SKETCH-BOOK OF GEOFFREY CRAYON, GENT. "I have no wife nor children, good or bad, to provide for. A mere spectator of other men's fortunes and adventures, and how they play their parts; which, methinks, are diversely presented unto me, as from a common theatre or scene."-Burton. IN TWO VOLUMES. SEVENTH AMERICAN EDITION. Philadelphia: CAREY, LEA & CAREY-CHESNUT-STREET. ****** BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the fifteenth day of May, L. S in the forty-third year of the independence of the United ****** States of America, C. S. VAN WINKLE, of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a Book, the right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit: "The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. 'I have no wife nor children, good or bad, to provide for. A mere spectator of other men's fortunes and adventures, and how they play their parts; which, methinks, are diversely presented unto me, as from a common theatre or scene. Burton." In Conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned." And also to the Act entitled, "An Act supplementary to an act, entitled An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof, to the arts of designing, engraving and etching, historical and other Prints." GILBERT LIVINGSTON THOMPSON, Clerk of the Southern district of New-York.