Speed. Open your purfe, that the money and the matter may be both at once deliver'd. Pro. Well, Sir, here is for your pains; what said she? Speed. Truly, Sir, I think you'll hardly win her. Pro. Why couldft thou perceive fo much from her? Speed. Sir, I could perceive nothing at all from her; No, not fo much as a ducket for delivering your letter. And being fo hard to me that brought your mind, I fear fhe'll prove as hard to you in telling her mind. Give her no token but stones; for fhe's as hard as steel. Pro. What, faid the nothing? Speed. No, not fo much as-Take this for thy pains: To teftify your bounty, I thank you, you have testern'd me: In requital whereof, henceforth carry your letter yourfelf: and fo, Sir, I'll commend you to my master. Pro Go, go, begone, to fave your ship from wreck, Which cannot perish, having thee aboard, Being deftin'd to a drier death on shore. I must go fend fome better meffenger: I fear my Julia would not deign my lines, Receiving them from fuch a worthless post. [Exeunt feverally. SCENE III. Changes to Julia's chamber. Jul. But fay, Lucetta, now we are alone, That ev'ry day with parle encounter me, Luc. Please you, repeat their names; I'll fhew my mind, According to my fhallow fimple skill. Jul. What think'ft thou of the fair Sir Eglamour? Luc As of a Knight well spoken, neat, and fine; But were I you, he never fhould be mine. Jul. What think'st thou of the rich Mercatio? Luc. Well of his wealth; but of himself, fo, fo. Jul. What think'ft thou of the gentle Protheus? Luc. Luc. Lord, Lord! to fee what folly reigns in us! Jul. How now? what means this paflion at his name? Luc. Pardon, dear Madam; 'tis a paffing fhame, That I, unworthy body as I am, Should cenfure thus on lovely gentlemen. Jul. Why not on Protheus, as of all the reft ? Luc. I have no other but a woman's reafon ; I think him fo, becaufe I think him fo. Jul. And would'st thou have me caft my love on him? Luc. Ay, if you thought your love not cast away. Jul. I would I knew his mind. Luc. Sir Valentine's page; and sent, I think, from He would have giv'n it you; but I being in the way, There, take the paper; see it be return'd; Or else return no more into my fight. Luc. To plead for love deferves more fee than hate. Jul. Will ye be gone? Luc. That you may ruminate. [Exit. Ful. And yet I would I had o'erlook'd the letter. It were a fhame to call her back again, And And pray her to a fault, for which I chid hér. And afk remiffion for my folly past. Re-enter Lucetta. Luc. What would your Ladyfhip? Jul. Is't near dinner-time? Luc. I would it were, That you might kill your ftomach on your meat, And not upon your mind. Jul. Why didft thou ftoop then? Luc. To take a paper up that I let fall. Luc. Nothing concerning me. Jul. Then let it lie for those that it concerns. Unless it have a falfe interpreter. Jul. Some love of your's hath writ to you in rhimë. Give me a note; your Ladyfhip can set. ful. As little by fuch toys as may be poffible: Beft fing it to the tune of Light o' love. Luc. It is too heavy for fo light a tune. Jul. Heavy! belike, it hath fome burthen then. Luc. I cannot reach fo high. Jul. Jul. Let's fee your fong: How now, minion? Luc. Keep tune there ftill, fo you will fing it out; And yet methinks I do not like this tune. Jul. You do not? Luc. No, Madam, 'tis too fharp. Luc. Nay, now you are too flat. And mar the concord with too harsh a defcant: Go, get you gone; and let the papers lie: You would be fingering them to anger me. [Tears it. Luc. She makes it ftrange, but she would be best pleas'd To be fo anger'd with another letter. [Exit. Ful. Nay, would I were fo anger'd with the fame! I throw thy name against the bruising stones; Except mine own name: That fome whirlwind bear He He couples it to his complaining names. Luc. Madam, dinner is ready, and your father ftays. Jul. Well, let us go. Luc. What, fhall these papers lie like tell-tales here? Jul. If thou respect them, beft to take them up. Luc. Nay, I was taken up for laying them down: Yet here they fhall not lie, for catching cold. Jul I fee you have a month's mind to them. Luc Ay, Madam, you may fay what fights you fee: I fee things too, although you judge I wink. Jul. Come, come, will't pleafe you go? [Exeunt. SCENE IV. Anthonio's house. Enter Anthonio and Panthion. Ant. Tell me, Panthion, what fad talk was that Wherewith my brother held you in the cloister? Pant. 'Twas of his nephew Protheus, your fon. Ant. Why, what of him? Pant. He wonder'd that your Lordship Some to the ftudious univerfities. He faid that Protheus your fon was meet: To let him spend his time no more at home; Which would be great impeachment to his age, In having known no travel in his youth. Ant. Nor need'ft thou much importune me to that, Whereon this month I have been hammering, I have confider'd well his lofs of time; |