PREFACE. THE author makes no apology for the publication of these Sermons, because he is convinced, trom the observations which have been made upou them, that the Scriptural facts therein stated, although well known to those who are in the habit of studying the Scriptures, are not so frequently brought forward and explained to the generality of hearers, as from their importance they ought to be. In the following Discourses, the author has not advanced any opinions of his own: neither has he delivered any doctrine, except in the express words of Divine Revelation; nor has he stated any fact, respecting which he is aware that there is any dispute or controversy existing, among Christians of any denomination. All that is contended for in these Discourses, may be comprehended in a very few words: First: That it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures, that the wicked "shall go into everlasting punishment." Second: That it is likewise revealed, that they "shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." Third: That the word GEHENNA, or HELL, is used to represent the place or state of the everlasting punishment of the wicked, and therefore the place or state of everlasting destruction. Fourth: That the word DIABOLOS, OF DEVIL, is used to represent the principle or cause of the everlasting punishment of the wicked, and therefore the principle or cause of everlasting destruction. If any thing further than this has been advanced in these Discourses, on the subject of everlasting punishment, the author will confess that he has delivered doctrines which are not to be found in the Holy Scriptures, and which are therefore false. But, he does not hold himself responsible for the ideas which may be represented to the minds of any, by the words of Scripture. If, for instance, though the Holy Scriptures declare that the sentence of the wicked is, that they shall |